
Modern Go plugin for Neovim, based on gopls, treesitter AST, Dap and a variety of go tools.

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


A modern go neovim plugin based on treesitter, nvim-lsp and dap debugger. It is written in Lua and async as much as possible. PR & Suggestions welcome. The plugin covers most features required for a gopher.

  • Perproject setup. Allows you setup plugin behavior per project based on project files(launch.json, .gonvim)
  • Async jobs with libuv
  • Syntax highlight & Texobject: Native treesitter support is faster and more accurate. All you need is a theme support treesitter, try aurora. Also, there are quite a few listed in awesome-neovim
  • All the GoToXxx (E.g reference, implementation, definition, goto doc, peek code/doc etc) You need lspconfig setup. There are lots of posts on how to set it up. You can also check my navigator gopls setup lspconfig.lua
  • Runtime lint/vet/compile: Supported by lsp (once you setup up your lsp client), GoLint with golangci-lint also supported
  • Build/Make/Test: Go.nvim provides supports for these by an async job wrapper.
  • Test coverage: run test coverage and show coverage sign
  • Dlv Debug: with nvim-dap and Dap UI.
  • Load vscode launch configuration
  • Unit test: generate unit test framework with gotests. Run test with richgo/ginkgo/go test
  • Add and remove tag for struct with tag modify(gomodifytags)
  • Code format: Supports LSP format and GoFmt(with golines)
  • CodeLens : gopls codelens and codelens action support
  • Comments: Add autodocument for your package/function/struct/interface. This feature is unique and can help you suppress golint errors...
  • Go to alternative go file (between test and source)
  • Test with ginkgo, richgo inside floaterm (to enable floaterm, guihua.lua has to be installed)
  • Go 1.18 support, configure your go to go1.18 in config
  • GoFixPlural, FixStruct, FxiSwitch, Add comment, IfErr, ModTidy, GoGet ... Most of the tools are built on top of treesitter AST or go AST. It is fast and accurate.
  • GoCheat get go cheatsheet from cheat.sh.


Use your favorite package manager to install. The dependency treesitter (and optionally, treesitter-objects) should be installed the first time you use it. Also Run TSInstall go to install the go parser if not installed yet. sed is recommand to run this plugin.

Plug 'ray-x/go.nvim'
Plug 'ray-x/guihua.lua' ; recommanded if need floating window support
use 'ray-x/go.nvim'
use 'ray-x/guihua.lua' -- recommanded if need floating window support

Make sure the $GOPATH/bin path is added to your $PATH environment variable. To check this you can run

echo $PATH | grep "$GOPATH/bin"

If nothing shows up, you can add the following to your shell config file:

export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin

Add format in your vimrc.

autocmd BufWritePre *.go :silent! lua require('go.format').gofmt()

To startup/setup the plugin



Add comments

auto comments

Add/Remove tags

auto tag

GoTest in floating term




To close the floating term.

refactor gorename

gorename as an alternative to gopls rename as it supports rename across packages Note: use with care Command: GoRename

code format

nvim-lsp support goimport by default.

autocmd BufWritePre (InsertLeave?) <buffer> lua vim.lsp.buf.formatting_sync(nil,500)

The plugin provides code format, by default is goline + gofumpt (stricter version of gofmt)

Use following code to format go code

require("go.format").gofmt()  -- gofmt only
require("go.format").goimport()  -- goimport + gofmt

Format on save

To config format on save, add one of the following to your init.lua:

Run gofmt on save

-- Run gofmt on save
vim.api.nvim_exec([[ autocmd BufWritePre *.go :silent! lua require('go.format').gofmt() ]], false)

Run gofmt + goimport on save

-- Run gofmt + goimport on save
vim.api.nvim_exec([[ autocmd BufWritePre *.go :silent! lua require('go.format').goimport() ]], false)

Auto fill

Note: auto fill struct also supported by gopls lsp-action

command Description
GoFillStruct auto fill struct
GoFillSwitch fill switch
GoIfErr Add if err
GoFixPlurals change func foo(b int, a int, r int) -> func foo(b, a, r int)

GoFixPlurals Youtube video

package foo

import "io"

func Foo() (io.Reader, error) { // the cursor on this line to add if err statement

auto struct


Supported by treesitter. TS provided better parse result compared to regular expression. See the example treesitter config file on how to setup textobjects. Also with treesitter-objects, you can move, swap the selected blocks of codes, which is fast and accurate. go.nvim will load textobject with treesiteter, with default keybindings, if you what to set it up yourself, you can set textobject to false.

Go binaries install and update

The following go binaries are used in go.nvim (depends on your setup):

  • gofumpt
  • golines
  • goimports
  • gorename
  • gomodifytags
  • gotests
  • iferr
  • impl
  • fillstruct
  • fillswitch
  • dlv
  • ginkgo
  • richgo

Normally if you run GoFmt and the configured binary (e.g. golines) was not installed, the plugin will install it for you. But the first run of GoFmt may fail. It is recommended to run GoInstallBinaries to install all binaries before using the plugin.

command Description
GoInstallBinary go_binary_name use go install go_binary_url@latest to install tool, if installed will skip
GoUpdateBinary go_binary_name use go install go_binary_url@latest Will force re-install if already installed, otherwise same as GoInstallBinary
GoInstallBinaries use go install to install all tools, skip the ones installed
GoUpdateBinaries use go install to update all tools to the latest version

Build and test

command Description
GoMake async make, use with other commands
GoRun {args} e.g. GoRun equal to go run .; or GoRun ./cmd equal to go run ./cmd, Additional args: -F run in floaterm
GoStop {job_id} stop the job started with GoRun
GoTest go test ./...
GoTest -c go test -c current_file_path
GoTest -n test nearest, see GoTestFunc
GoTest -f test current file, see GoTestFile
GoTest -p test current package, see GoTestPkg
GoTest -t yourtags go test ./... -tags=yourtags
GoTest package_path -t yourtags go test packagepath -tags=yourtags
GoTest package_path -t yourtags other_args go test packagepath -tags=yourtags other_args
GoLint golangci-lint
GoGet {package_url} go get package_url and restart gopls. Note1
GoVet go vet
GoCoverage go test -coverprofile
GoTermClose closes the floating term

Note1: if package_url not provided, will check current line is a valid package url or not, if it is valid, will fetch current url

Show test coverage:


Provided wrapper for gobulild/test etc with async make Also suggest to use vim-test, which can run running tests on different granularities.

Unit test with gotests and testify

Support table based unit test auto generate, parse current function/method name using treesitter

command Description
GoTestFunc run test for current func
GoTestFunc -s select the test function you want to run
GoTestFunc -tags=yourtag run test for current func with -tags yourtag option
GoTestFile run test for current file
GoTestFile -tags=yourtag run test for current folder with -tags yourtag option
GoTestPkg run test for current package/folder
GoTestPkg -tags=yourtag run test for current folder with -tags yourtag option
GoAddTest [-parallel] Add test for current func
GoAddExpTest [-parallel] Add tests for exported funcs
GoAddAllTest [-parallel] Add tests for all funcs

GoTestXXX Arugments

arguments Description
-v verbose mode
-c compile
-t tags
-b bench
-F floaterm mode

Note: For GoTestXXX You can add available arguments e.g. GoTest -tags=integration ./internal/web -bench=. -count=1 -


Show cheat.sh for api in neovim new buffer. e.g. GoCheat sort


Show go doc for api in neovim floating window. e.g. GoDoc fmt.Println


If no argument provided, fallback to lsp.hover()


Modify struct tags by gomodifytags and treesitter

command Description


nvim-lsp support goimport by default. The plugin provided a new formatter, goline + gofumpt (stricter version of gofmt)

command Description
GoFmt {opts} goline + gofumpt
GoImport goline + goimport + gofumpt
GoImport package_path gopls add_import package

{opts} : -a format all buffers


generate method stubs for implementing an interface


:GoImpl {receiver} {interface}

Also you can put cursor on struct and run

:GoImpl {interface}


:GoImpl f *File io.Reader

or simply put your cursor in a struct and do

:GoImpl io.Reader


command Description
GoDebug start debug session
GoDebug -t start debug session for go test file
GoDebug -R restart debug session for go test file
GoDebug -n start debug session for nearest go test function
GoDebug -f same as GoDebug
GoDebug -p debug package
GoDebug -a attach to remote process
GoDebug -s stop debug session and unmap debug keymap
GoBreakToggle GoDebug -b
GoBreakCondition conditional break

Switch between go and test file

command Description
GoAlt / GoAlt! open alternative go file (use ! to create if not exist)
GoAltS / GoAltS! open alternative go file in split
GoAltV / GoAltV! open alternative go file in vertical split

Comments and Doc

Auto doc (to suppress golang-lint warning), generate comments by treesitter parsing result

type GoLintComplaining struct{}

And run

 lua.require('go.comment').gen() -- or your faviourite key binding and setup placeholder "no more complaint ;P"

The code will be:

// GoLintComplaining struct no more complaint ;P
type GoLintComplaining struct{}
command Description
GoCmt Add comment


command Description
GoModInit run go mod init and restart gopls
GoModTidy run go mod tidy and restart gopls
GoModVendor run go mod vendor and restart gopls

run go mod tidy and restart gopls


Nvim-lsp is good enough for a gopher. If you looking for a better GUI. You can install navigator, or lspsaga, and lsp-utils etc. The goal of go.nvim is more provide unique functions releated to gopls instead of a general lsp gui client. The lsp config in go.nvim has a none default setup and contains some improvement and I would suggest you to use.

LSP cmp support

The latest version enabled lsp snippets (and other setups) by default. In case you need flowing the setup from cmp README.md, please use flowing command:

local capabilities = require('cmp_nvim_lsp').update_capabilities(vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities())
  -- other setups ....
  lsp_cfg = {
    capabilities = capabilities,
    -- other setups

LSP CodeLens

Gopls supports code lens. To run gopls code lens action GoCodeLenAct Note: codelens need to be enabled in gopls, check default config in

LSP CodeActions

You can use native code action provided by lspconfig. If you installed guihua, you can also use a GUI version of code action GoCodeAction


Supported by LSP, also GoLint command (by calling golangcl-lint) if you need background golangci-lint check, you can configure it with ALE

Debug with dlv

Setup for Debug provided. Need Dap and Dap UI plugin dap GDB style key mapping is used


key Description
c continue
n next
s step
o stepout
S cap S: stop debug
u up
D cap D: down
C cap C: run to cursor
b toggle breakpoint
P cap P: pause
p print, hover value (also in visual mode)

Moving from vscode-go debug

Please check Vscode Launch configurations for more info go.nvim support launch debuger from vscode-go .vscode/launch.json configurations If launch.json is valid, run GoDebug will launch from the launch.json configuration.


Please use jsonls/null-ls check your launch.json is valid json file. Following syntax is not supported

  • Trailing comma
  • Comment

Here is a sample launch.json


Command Description
GoDebug Start debugger, to debug test, run GoDebug test, to add addition args run GoDebug arg1 arg2
GoDebugConfig Open launch.json file
GoBreakToggle toggle break point
GoBreakSave save all breakpoints to project file point
GoBreakLoad load all breakpoints from project file point
GoBreakToggle toggle break point
BreakCondition conditional break point
ReplRun dap repl run_last
ReplToggle dap repl toggle

Required DAP plugins

The plugin will setup debugger. But you need to install

  • dap

    • 'mfussenegger/nvim-dap'
  • dap ui (optional)

    • 'rcarriga/nvim-dap-ui'
  • dap virtual text (optional)

    • 'theHamsta/nvim-dap-virtual-text'

Also you can check telescope dap extension : nvim-telescope/telescope-dap.nvim

Sample vimrc for DAP

 Plug 'mfussenegger/nvim-dap'
 Plug 'rcarriga/nvim-dap-ui'
 Plug 'theHamsta/nvim-dap-virtual-text'
 " Plug 'nvim-telescope/telescope-dap.nvim'


Check go.lua on all the commands provided


Configure from lua suggested, The default setup:

  go='go', -- go command, can be go[default] or go1.18beta1
  goimport='gopls', -- goimport command, can be gopls[default] or goimport
  fillstruct = 'gopls', -- can be nil (use fillstruct, slower) and gopls
  gofmt = 'gofumpt', --gofmt cmd,
  max_line_len = 120, -- max line length in goline format
  tag_transform = false, -- can be transform option("snakecase", "camelcase", etc) check gomodifytags for details and more options
  gotests_template = "", -- sets gotests -template parameter (check gotests for details)
  gotests_template_dir = "", -- sets gotests -template_dir parameter (check gotests for details)
  comment_placeholder = '' ,  -- comment_placeholder your cool placeholder e.g. ﳑ       
  icons = {breakpoint = '🧘', currentpos = '🏃'},  -- setup to `false` to disable icons setup
  verbose = false,  -- output loginf in messages
  lsp_cfg = false, -- true: use non-default gopls setup specified in go/lsp.lua
                   -- false: do nothing
                   -- if lsp_cfg is a table, merge table with with non-default gopls setup in go/lsp.lua, e.g.
                   --   lsp_cfg = {settings={gopls={matcher='CaseInsensitive', ['local'] = 'your_local_module_path', gofumpt = true }}}
  lsp_gofumpt = false, -- true: set default gofmt in gopls format to gofumpt
  lsp_on_attach = nil, -- nil: use on_attach function defined in go/lsp.lua,
                       --      when lsp_cfg is true
                       -- if lsp_on_attach is a function: use this function as on_attach function for gopls
  lsp_keymaps = true, -- set to false to disable gopls/lsp keymap
  lsp_codelens = true, -- set to false to disable codelens, true by default, you can use a function
  -- function(bufnr)
  --    vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, "n", "<space>F", "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.formatting()<CR>", {noremap=true, silent=true})
  -- end
  -- to setup a table of codelens
  lsp_diag_hdlr = true, -- hook lsp diag handler
  -- virtual text setup
  lsp_diag_virtual_text = { space = 0, prefix = "" },
  lsp_diag_signs = true,
  lsp_diag_update_in_insert = false,
  lsp_document_formatting = true,
  -- set to true: use gopls to format
  -- false if you want to use other formatter tool(e.g. efm, nulls)
  gopls_cmd = nil, -- if you need to specify gopls path and cmd, e.g {"/home/user/lsp/gopls", "-logfile","/var/log/gopls.log" }
  gopls_remote_auto = true, -- add -remote=auto to gopls
  dap_debug = true, -- set to false to disable dap
  dap_debug_keymap = true, -- true: use keymap for debugger defined in go/dap.lua
                           -- false: do not use keymap in go/dap.lua.  you must define your own.
  dap_debug_gui = true, -- set to true to enable dap gui, highly recommand
  dap_debug_vt = true, -- set to true to enable dap virtual text
  build_tags = "tag1,tag2", -- set default build tags
  textobjects = true, -- enable default text jobects through treesittter-text-objects
  test_runner = 'go', -- one of {`go`, `richgo`, `dlv`, `ginkgo`}
  verbose_tests = true, -- set to add verbose flag to tests
  run_in_floaterm = false, -- set to true to run in float window. :GoTermClose closes the floatterm
                           -- float term recommand if you use richgo/ginkgo with terminal color

You will need to add keybind yourself: e.g

  vim.cmd("autocmd FileType go nmap <Leader><Leader>l GoLint")
  vim.cmd("autocmd FileType go nmap <Leader>gc :lua require('go.comment').gen()")

Project setup

go.nvim allow you override your setup by a project file. Put .gonvim/init.lua in your root folder. It is a small lua script and will be run durning go.setup(). The return value is used to override go.nvim setup. The sample project setup. You can check the youtube video here on how to use this feature.

-- .gonvim/init.lua project config
vim.g.null_ls_disable = true

return {
  go = "go", -- set to go1.18beta1 if necessary
  goimport = "gopls", -- if set to 'gopls' will use gopls format, also goimport
  fillstruct = "gopls",
  gofmt = "gofumpt", -- if set to gopls will use gopls format
  max_line_len = 120
  null_ls_document_formatting_disable = true

This will override your global go.nvim setup

Text object

I did not provide textobject support in the plugin. Please use treesitter textobject plugin. My treesitter config:

  require "nvim-treesitter.configs".setup {
    incremental_selection = {
      enable = enable,
      keymaps = {
        -- mappings for incremental selection (visual mappings)
        init_selection = "gnn", -- maps in normal mode to init the node/scope selection
        node_incremental = "grn", -- increment to the upper named parent
        scope_incremental = "grc", -- increment to the upper scope (as defined in locals.scm)
        node_decremental = "grm" -- decrement to the previous node

    textobjects = {
      -- syntax-aware textobjects
      enable = enable,
      lsp_interop = {
        enable = enable,
        peek_definition_code = {
          ["DF"] = "@function.outer",
          ["DF"] = "@class.outer"
      keymaps = {
        ["iL"] = {
          -- you can define your own textobjects directly here
          go = "(function_definition) @function",
        -- or you use the queries from supported languages with textobjects.scm
        ["af"] = "@function.outer",
        ["if"] = "@function.inner",
        ["aC"] = "@class.outer",
        ["iC"] = "@class.inner",
        ["ac"] = "@conditional.outer",
        ["ic"] = "@conditional.inner",
        ["ae"] = "@block.outer",
        ["ie"] = "@block.inner",
        ["al"] = "@loop.outer",
        ["il"] = "@loop.inner",
        ["is"] = "@statement.inner",
        ["as"] = "@statement.outer",
        ["ad"] = "@comment.outer",
        ["am"] = "@call.outer",
        ["im"] = "@call.inner"
      move = {
        enable = enable,
        set_jumps = true, -- whether to set jumps in the jumplist
        goto_next_start = {
          ["]m"] = "@function.outer",
          ["]]"] = "@class.outer"
        goto_next_end = {
          ["]M"] = "@function.outer",
          ["]["] = "@class.outer"
        goto_previous_start = {
          ["[m"] = "@function.outer",
          ["[["] = "@class.outer"
        goto_previous_end = {
          ["[M"] = "@function.outer",
          ["[]"] = "@class.outer"
      select = {
        enable = enable,
        keymaps = {
          -- You can use the capture groups defined in textobjects.scm
          ["af"] = "@function.outer",
          ["if"] = "@function.inner",
          ["ac"] = "@class.outer",
          ["ic"] = "@class.inner",
          -- Or you can define your own textobjects like this
          ["iF"] = {
            python = "(function_definition) @function",
            cpp = "(function_definition) @function",
            c = "(function_definition) @function",
            java = "(method_declaration) @function",
            go = "(method_declaration) @function"
      swap = {
        enable = enable,
        swap_next = {
          ["<leader>a"] = "@parameter.inner"
        swap_previous = {
          ["<leader>A"] = "@parameter.inner"

Nvim LSP setup

go.nvim provided a better non-default setup for gopls (includes debounce, staticcheck, diagnosticsDelay etc)

This gopls setup provided by go.nvim works perfectly fine for most of the cases. You can also install navigator.lua which can auto setup all lsp clients and provides a better GUI.

For diagnostic issue, you can use the default setup. There are also quite a few plugins that you can use to explore issues, e.g. navigator.lua, folke/lsp-trouble.nvim. Nvim-tree and Bufferline also introduced lsp diagnostic hooks.

Integrate with nvim-lsp-installer

(suggested by @mattbailey)

local path = require 'nvim-lsp-installer.core.path'
local install_root_dir = path.concat {vim.fn.stdpath 'data', 'lsp_servers'}

  gopls_cmd = {install_root_dir .. '/go/gopls'},
  fillstruct = 'gopls',
  dap_debug = true,
  dap_debug_gui = true

If you want to use gopls setup provided by go.nvim

-- setup your go.nvim
-- make sure lsp_cfg is disabled

local lsp_installer_servers = require'nvim-lsp-installer.servers'

local server_available, requested_server = lsp_installer_servers.get_server("gopls")
if server_available then
    requested_server:on_ready(function ()
        local opts = require'go.lsp'.config() -- config() return the go.nvim gopls setup
    if not requested_server:is_installed() then
        -- Queue the server to be installed

Sample vimrc

The following vimrc will enable all features provided by go.nvim

set termguicolors
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
Plug 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig'
Plug 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter'

Plug 'mfussenegger/nvim-dap'
Plug 'rcarriga/nvim-dap-ui'
Plug 'theHamsta/nvim-dap-virtual-text'
Plug 'ray-x/guihua.lua' " float term, codeaction and codelens gui support

Plug 'ray-x/go.nvim'

call plug#end()

lua <<EOF
require 'go'.setup({
  goimport = 'gopls', -- if set to 'gopls' will use golsp format
  gofmt = 'gopls', -- if set to gopls will use golsp format
  max_line_len = 120,
  tag_transform = false,
  test_dir = '',
  comment_placeholder = '',
  lsp_cfg = true, -- false: use your own lspconfig
  lsp_gofumpt = true, -- true: set default gofmt in gopls format to gofumpt
  lsp_on_attach = true, -- use on_attach from go.nvim
  dap_debug = true,

local protocol = require'vim.lsp.protocol'


This will setup gopls with non default configure provided by go.nvim (Includes lspconfig default keymaps)

Q & A:

Q: What is Toggle gc annotation details

A: This is a codelens message, please run codelens GoCodeLenAct and get more info