
Santa tracking with Traccar server

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Follow Santa with Traccar

Help people track Santa route in your local community.

Installation steps

  1. Install Traccar on your server or a cloud VPS.
  2. Login as an admin and create a new readonly user with a token.
  3. Register the tracking device that Santa will use. You can use Traccar Client app on your phone if you don't have a dedicated GPS tracker.
  4. Create a polyline geofence. Each point will be marked as a stop on Santa's route.
  5. Make sure both geofence and device are linked to the user.
  6. Copy santa foler from this repository to Traccar web subfolder.
  7. Change token value in the app.js file to the correct one.
  8. Open /santa/ in browser. It might look something like http://example.com:8082/santa/.