
Azure blob storage integration for Ghost

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Allows you to store uploaded images in Azure blob storage instead of on the local file store. Requires Ghost 0.6.0 or higher!

with 💜,

How to Use

Getting the module

  1. Create a storage folder in your Ghost content root, eg. /var/www/ghost/content/storage

Via Git

  1. Clone this repo into your storage folder
  2. The module will be available under whatever folder name you checked out this repo to, which is ghost-azure-store by default

Via npm

  1. Run npm install ghost-azure-storage from your Ghost root

Note that upgrading Ghost will overwrite your local package.json, so --saveing the module will get lost down the line

  1. Create a node script in your storage folder which exports the ghost-azure-storage module, like so:
module.exports = require("ghost-azure-store");
  1. The module will be available under whatever filename you used for the above script. eg. storage/ghost-azure-store.js will be available as ghost-azure-store

Configuring Ghost

Add a storage block to Ghost's config, as below. Make sure you change ghost-azure-store to the name you chose above!

storage :{
  active: 'ghost-azure-store',

  'ghost-azure-store': {
    key: "{azure storage key}",
    storage: "myblogstore",
    container: "my-container"

Using the above options, images would be uploaded to http://myblogstore.blob.core.windows.net/container/. If you want to give your storage a custom domain name, you can also set the baseURL config parameter to something along the lines of http://assets.mylovelyblog.com and the URLs stored in Ghost's database will use that instead.