Pinned Repositories
App starts with splashscreen ,then shows up coffee images on the gridview. By clicking on item, opens certain coffee page where user can order coffee, set amount, check is wants topping or some cookies. Final order and the total price are sent as a message to the email by using implicit intent
Kotlin application that follows MVVM software architectural pattern. User enters value in US dollar and by pressing Convert button displays value in euros. In order to to get a clean code LiveData and Data binding are used.
App is an example of getting data from the remote data source performed by AsyncTaskLoader on the background thread. It's list of Earthquakes, each item shows eartquakes magnitude, time and location. Data are fetched by making HTTP request to the Earthquakes API and then by getting JSON response from the server. Clicking on list item, opens another activity that shows google map of eartquake location.
App displays photo and name of marvel heroes at the Grid view. Data are get from the server using Retrofit library and Gson converter for parsing server response.
App displays flag and welcome greeting of the country that user picks from the spinner drop down menu. App represents model-view-viewmodel architecture and observer patter by using RxJava2
List of items are displayed on the list fragment and by clicking on the item, opens detail fragment with photo and description. If user rotates screen on landscape mode, on the left side is list of items and on the right side of the screen is detail view.
App enables making notes by using Room persistence library
MVVM pattern implemented, using LiveData to observe changes add new data. User adds new sweets item to the RecyclerView list.
Application displays GitHub trending repositories. When user clicks on the repository item from the list, details are shown on the page.
tanaskovicVesna's Repositories
Application displays GitHub trending repositories. When user clicks on the repository item from the list, details are shown on the page.
App starts with splashscreen ,then shows up coffee images on the gridview. By clicking on item, opens certain coffee page where user can order coffee, set amount, check is wants topping or some cookies. Final order and the total price are sent as a message to the email by using implicit intent
App displays photo and name of marvel heroes at the Grid view. Data are get from the server using Retrofit library and Gson converter for parsing server response.
MVVM pattern implemented, using LiveData to observe changes add new data. User adds new sweets item to the RecyclerView list.
Kotlin application that follows MVVM software architectural pattern. User enters value in US dollar and by pressing Convert button displays value in euros. In order to to get a clean code LiveData and Data binding are used.
App is an example of getting data from the remote data source performed by AsyncTaskLoader on the background thread. It's list of Earthquakes, each item shows eartquakes magnitude, time and location. Data are fetched by making HTTP request to the Earthquakes API and then by getting JSON response from the server. Clicking on list item, opens another activity that shows google map of eartquake location.
App displays flag and welcome greeting of the country that user picks from the spinner drop down menu. App represents model-view-viewmodel architecture and observer patter by using RxJava2
List of items are displayed on the list fragment and by clicking on the item, opens detail fragment with photo and description. If user rotates screen on landscape mode, on the left side is list of items and on the right side of the screen is detail view.
App enables making notes by using Room persistence library
Example of using Media Player API to play, pause, continue and stop songs and Audio Manager API which manages Audio Focus for handling audio interruptions
App uses ORMLite Third-party library as local data base. App has Navigation Drawer and its NavigationItem object that implements the Parcelable interface in order to past in its objects via a Bundle.User can order certain products. Each product has two categories(sweet and salty), name, description, image,price.
App displays list of my GitHub repositories. The app contains two cases of getting data from the server by using Retrofit or Volley library(in code are guidelines which part of the code need to be included in case of Volley library). Fast loading is performed by Loader, that also keeps data saved, when screen rotation is performed. When user swipe to refresh, broadcast receiver triggers loader to refresh data.
Report-Card shows list of students, each student has own subjects list page, each subject has its info page. User can see students grades,displayed on a dialog page as well as average grades number.
App displays sports list (ListView). On item click, opens another detail sports activity that enables user to keep tracing on scores and penalties of the two teams
App uses ORMLite Third-party library as persistent data base that stores shopping and articles list. Each shopping list has own articles list. User can add, delete and edit articles names and amounts. Use can add, edit and delete shopping list.
App contains Navigation Drawer View Pager and Collapsing Toolbar. List Activity has two types Desserts and Drinks, each of them has View Pager with fragments of different categories. Detail Activity has Recycler View and Collapsing Toolbar