Learning HTML/CSS to create your web dev portfolio


Learning HTML and CSS has always been a challenge. There's a wide variety of APIs and you don't need what to master. This course aims to buil the core skills of a web developer by building the thing which is most important to a web developer i.e. a Portfolio.


This course is completely free
Few ways in which you can thank the author

Course Videos

Videos are hosted on [Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNFmBuclxQPe57orKiQbyfA?view_as=subscriber


Nothing, na-da, zilch! As long as you can read and type English you're good to go.

Hardware/Software requirements

Everything which you need or would need is free. The course uses VScode, Chrome, Git, GitHub, Netlify as tools till now. Course is browser based so any and all OS works.

About the course creator

Tanay Pratap lives in Bangalore and works @Microsoft, he is building Teams which is touted as the next generation collaboration tool. To know in detail about his journey you can see this video: Knowing Me Little Better

Contact the creator

While Tanay is active on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and even has his own website tanaypratap.com but for the purposes of this course he is most active on Instagram.