
Community detection for the highest modularity, implementing Girvan Newman algorithm.

Primary LanguagePython


Community detection making cuts at links with highest betweenness from MovieLens dataset. Implemented Girvan Newman algorithm to find optimum cuts in the graph.


spark-2.2.1-bin-hadoop2.7\bin\spark-submit Tanay_Shankar_Community.py ratings.csv

spark-2.2.1-bin-hadoop2.7\bin\spark-submit Tanay_Shankar_Betweenness.py ratings.csv

spark-2.2.1-bin-hadoop2.7\bin\spark-submit Tanay_Shankar_Community_Library.py ratings.csv


Community Betweenness

Method used Execution Time Communities
Maximum Modularity (GN) 460.33 224
Girvan Newman 353.82 4