
NA Tours. A tour booking app to book a planned and guided tour for your next dream vacation. Built with NodeJS, ExpressJs, MongoDB, Pug templating.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Tour Booking App

Please give it 2-3mins to load the page as it hosted on free servers.

Live demo: https://na-tours-t0v9.onrender.com/

API documentation: Do visit- https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/2s9Xy2PsKN?version=latest

Video Demo https://www.loom.com/share/b7c1c29f509c41b3b24891f0362fc189?sid=9bdb72c5-ba64-45b8-8f4e-d98460707930


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Table of contents:


A Tour booking app to live your next dream vacation. There are various roles all over the app for different types of users which can perform the below actions.

  1. Users:

    • Signup, login and logout.
    • Search for tours, using filter and sorting options.
    • View tours in detail including maps, guides, images, description, etc.
    • Authenticated users can book tours using stripe payment gateway.
    • Manage bookings.
    • Add review and ratings on tours.
    • Update user profiles (username, email, password and photo)
  2. Guides:

    • Add new tours
    • View tours' stats, track performance of tours.
  3. Admins:

    • Can do all of the above.
    • Manage users, guides, tours, reviews.


Clone the repository and follow the instructions or run the commands below:

  1. npm install (installs all necessary dependencies for the app)
  2. set your env variables in a config.env file ( check example config.env for your reference) (we use mongodb as database, mailtrap as development email service, brevo as production email service, and stripe as payment service provider )
  3. run command: node dev-data/import-dev-data --import (to import dummy dev data to your database) or node dev-data/import-dev-data --delete (to clear database)
  4. npm run build:js (build client js bundle using parcel)
  5. Use any one of the below commands according to your needs:
    • npm start (starts app)
    • npm run dev (for development, starts app watching for changes using nodemon)
    • npm run start:prod (for production, starts app watching for changes using nodemon)
    • npm run debug (for debugging purposes)


  1. Web App:
  • Login using your email, password
  • Select tour you want to book
  • Click on "Book Tour" button
  • Complete booking using stripe checkout page Card details for test mode in stripe

Card No.= 4242 4242 4242 4242, CVC = Any 3 digits, Expiry date: Any future date

  1. API:

Please check the API Documentation for better understanding of the APIs.

Set your base api URL in the postman environment variable, also add another variable jwt for ease of use on authenticated/authorized routes (read below).

Add this line of code to the Tests tab in the /signup and /login endpoints: pm.environment.set("jwt", pm.response.json().token); to set the current value of jwt (from the res.token of the response body of authentication requests) in the environment variable added above .

Using the jwt variable: For protected routes throughout the app, in the Authorization tab set the type as Bearer Token and set the Token value as {{jwt}}. On every successful signup/login this will ensure the new jwt value is set automatically in the jwt env variable using the above two steps. Voila! follow the api documentation here on.


Please do check the code for the code documentation for understanding my learnings further. I tried to comment as much for better understanding of the reader and also portray my learnings altogether. Lot of these might be express and node specific but I am generalizing my learnings to fit any language or frameworks.

Learnings include but not limited to:

  • Building ~production grade backend apps. With better data modelling, creating meaningful REST API routing.
  • Advance database querying including aggregation pipeline, data population, also using indexes for various use cases for faster querying.
  • Security best practices ( sanitizing inputs, injection attacks, parameter pollution, CSP, anti xss, api rate limting, csrf, etc) (lot to learn and I am here for it)
  • Authentication and authorization best practices (lot to learn)
  • Global error handling including operational and dev errors (makes error handling alot smooth by handling errors in a central place making the development process easy)
  • Using payment gateways, webhooks.
  • Building API features for filtering, sorting, pagination of data.

A lot can be upgraded/added to the project and I will do so in future. Currently I will be focusing on creating more such projects from scratch on my own taking the learnings from this one and adding more as I go.


This project is a part of the course I have taken. I have learnt a lot from this course am very grateful for it. [Course link] (https://www.udemy.com/course/nodejs-express-mongodb-bootcamp/)