This project was created with create-react-app.
Kenzie Academy + Twitter = Kwitter
This is a precapstone project for front-end development using agile methodology to deliver a MVP for a posting website(Twitter). As a team of four with nearly two weeks of time we developed a front-end React web-app that connects to a provided API, one which we weren't able to change or have access to the code structure prior.
Technologies: React, Redux, Redux-Thunk, JavaScript, styling created in-house and also with a component library semantic-ui.
Features: Log-in/Log out, authorization to pages only if logged in, able to post 'tweets', deleted your own 'tweets', able to see other's about me sections by clicking on their message icon, change profile information.
To view this in action this is deployed to:
My role and additions to this project: As scrum master I(Travis Anderson) faciliated discussions, meetings, and daily stand-ups. Initiated pair-programming, sprint review processes, and led feature addition discussions.
Features I worked on include setting up the file tree, connecting components to redux, redux store set-up, functionality of iterating over multiple 'tweets', and ability for them to be displayed, feedback for incorrect log-in, connecting to the back-end. Pair programming with others to solve problems.
Things I want to learn more and work on in the future: Styling, multiple page navigation, be able to go to a different users profile page, a trending bar or follow tweets with certain text/subjects.
The back-end was provided for this project and was given to us after project completion, viewed here: