
Python: Slack-twitter bot Use slack to follow tweets with specific word(s)

Primary LanguagePython

About this project:

Python program that connects two API's - slackclient and tweepy(Twiiter):

User's who have slack can access twitter firehose feed.

Creators: Travis Anderson and Aaron Jackson

Focal Points: Tweepy - Travis Slackclient - Aaron Logging and logic to run both bots: both individuals

To run locally:

This requires some work, slack and twitter requirements are below.

Python requires pipenv to replicate environment from Pipfile.
$pipenv install

Run program from the pipenv shell or push to heroku.

$pipenv shell

see set log level for next command to start up locally

#Env Variables: Will need environment variables for slack bot, tweepy(twitter), and slack channel

Slack Set Up:

You will need admin to create a bot application.

Have slack installed, create a new bot. Acquire keys as noted by .env.example file from the slack bot creation webportal: https://api.slack.com

Create .env file, or set .env variables manually in terminal or on start up.

Slack is subscribed and listening to a single channel, but posting to a separate channel. Why - For popular keywords the twitter stream can overwhelm the slack client commands if in same channel, so separate channels were created for ease of slack to listen to commands.

Twitter Set-up:

You will need to set up a twitter account. You can use your own existing account, or create a new one. The important part is to register for developer API access. This is a new requirement since July 2018. You will need to fill out a short questionnaire about your intended usage of the developer account.

https://developer.twitter.com/en.html (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Once you have been approved for developer access, you must create a twitter app. Then use the Keys and Tokens tab to generate a pair of Consumer keys and a pair of Access keys.


log level can be set at time of running file local or by update argument in the procfile for heroku.

local command ---> python slack.py -l (level)

accepts critical, error, warning, info, debug. (capitalization does not matter)

defaults to info level if nothing is provided.

Log Info

Logs info into terminal and into log files. Log files in .gitignore, will not see on repo.

Example of items log: attempting to connect to twitter, confirmation time connected to twitter, exiting twitter, commands a user entered in slack

Bot info

Both bots use context manager, to get the integration between the two items, the slack instance gives the twitter instance a function off of slack, that the twitter instance can run. This helps reduce multithreading

To handle the tweepy stream, needed multi-threading on the tweepy bot, had to do a monkey patch and reset one of the functions (_start) to allow for multi-threading.

Pushing to heroku:

Follow instructions https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/getting-started-with-python

Remember to set terminal sessions env variables, need proc file, runtime.txt with python version