
The goal of this project consists of developing the data and analytical foundations to assess spatial socio-economic equity/distributional questions associated with city development patterns, projects and policies in all cities of Mexico and one additional country (from Brazil, Colombia and India) – including differential access to urban services, populations served by new projects, and populations exposed to and vulnerable to climate impacts.

Two main outputs are expected:

  • Construct and share a foundational internal knowledge product and database on social vulnerability and inequalities for four WRI Cities countries for use across multiple cities and projects in analysis, policy development, etc.
  • Build capacity and data systems internally to integrate equity and inclusion dimensions into assessments and engagements for our cities and projects through providing preprocessed datasets, methods of analysis and training on their use.

Data processing

Data collection

Raw census data are collected from national census data providers and stored in a data file storgae repository

Data modeling

  • Build a data model for harmonizing the different census information collected from data sources
  • Aggregated raw census data and produce new data files corresponding to the defined data model

Data storage

  • Store the processed census data in a public data file storage system


The processed data is accessible through a public dashboard providing easy access and a tool for visualizing and downloading the harmonized census information at different geospatial scales and resolution.

Dashboard inputs

  • Country: Selection of country of interest: Brazil, Colombia, India, Mexico.

  • Geographical aggregation level: It corresponds in the geographic units between which user wants to make comparison. Options would include for example: state level, municipality level, locality level... The list of available geographic unit of interest is depending on the selected country.

Country Available geographic units
Mexico (2020) state, Municipality,Locality,Basic Geospatial Aera,Blocks
Columbia (2018) Department, Municipality,Urban sector,Urban section,Blocks
India state, District,Sub-district,City,Wards
Brasil state, Municipality,Ponderation area
  • Variables & Variables categories: User can select the census variable to show in the dashboard among a list of available variables. Census variables are regrouped ny variable catgories to make variable selection menu shorter.
Variables' categories Variables
demographic Total population, Population by gender, Population by age
  • Year: User can select the census year depending on available census historical data by country.

  • Geography of interest: It consists of a group a filters enabling the user to select the name of the geography of interest to show in the output table based on the geographical aggregation level defined in the first filter. The number of filters is hence depending on available aggregation levels by country.

Dashboard outputs

  • Table: The main output of the dashboard consists of a table showing a filtered harmonized census dataset based on user inputs. The output table contains the following information:

  • Download option: A download button gives the possibility to users to download the filtered data as csv file.

  • Map: An interactive map for geo-visualizing the selected variable values at the selected geographical level of interest.

This is a work in progress repository! It is not yet an official WRI repository. For more information about the project status, please contact