
Primary LanguageShellCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


Description: A simple vagrant box with provisioning scripts to stand up an out-of-the-box version of CKAN.

Other things to include:

  • Technology stack:
  • Python 2.7
  • Apache
  • Postgres
  • Solr
  • CKAN
  • Status: 1.0 Should be stable but we are still making refinements and looking for feedback


  • Vagrant / Virtualbox - creates the VM that is built by Ansible.
    Installation instructions can be found here: http://docs.vagrantup.com/v2/installation/
  • Ansible - provisions the VM.
    Installation: pip install ansible from your python virtual environment


  1. vagrant up
  2. Once provisioning completes, open your browser to localhost:8080 and you should see CKAN

Starting / Stopping the VM

To start the vagrant box: vagrant up
To stop the vagrant box: vagrant halt

Installing on Aurora

If you would like to install ckan onto a locally running instance of Aurora, follow the steps below. Since each Aurora app consists of a single ephemeral foreground process, this technique relies on installing CKAN the traditional way first and using its instance of PostgreSQL/Solr with an Apache process running on Mesos via Marathon.

  1. cd into the provisioners/ folder in this repo and run vagrant up
  2. Create SSH tunnels to the PostgreSQL/Solr instances: vagrant ssh -- -L 8983:localhost:8983 -L 5432:localhost:5432
  3. Visit to access the marathon UI and make a new app
  4. Edit the app's config, click the "json" toggle in the upper right, and paste the json from marathon_app.json (located in the same directory as this readme).
  5. Upon saving the config, you'll be prompted to (re)deploy the application. Do so and give it time to install (~10 minutes?)
  6. Open the Mesos UI at Locate your job under the "Active Tasks" section and click its "Sandbox" link.
  7. Click the "stdout" link and confirm that the bottom says PLAY RECAP and that you see failed=0. If there is no play recap yet, you probably need to wait for ansible to finish running
  8. Go back to the Marathon UI and locate your task. Click the link undereath the ID (something like '').
  9. This should open the Data Catalog in a new tab. If you receive an error page, go back to the sandbox and check stdout, stderr and httpd/apache.error.log for error messages.

Getting Started

For information about how to use CKAN, please see the official documentation

Customizing Look and Feel
See the section on Customizing Look and Feel in the official documentation

Useful commands

The ckan docs contain several commands that are useful for administering the ckan instance. Some of them are listed here for convenience:

Make a user an admin:

source /ckan/default/bin/activate && cd /ckan/default/src/ckan && paster sysadmin add <username> -c /ckan/config/default/config.ini

Re-index solr (required after upgrade)

source /ckan/default/bin/activate && cd /ckan/default/src/ckan && paster search-index rebuild -r --config=/ckan/config/default/config.ini

Upgrading CKAN

If you want to upgrade the version of ckan, follow the instructions in the CKAN Docs.

Note that you must upgrade one minor version at a time (you can't go straight from 2.3 to 2.5, but instead must do 2.3 -> 2.4 -> 2.5).

Furthermore, there is a bug in version 2.5.0, so the actual list of tags should be: ckan-2.3 -> ckan-2.4.0 -> ckan-2.5.3 -> ckan-2.6.0.


Check out the Guide to Extending in the offical documentation

If you are building with the extra fields, check out the local developement guide

Customizing this VM

If you make any changes to the provisioners/group_vars/local or any of the default variables, you will need to re-provision the VM. Simply run vagrant provision and the changes will be applied.

How to test the software

At the moment there are no tests for this codebase.

Known issues


Getting help

If you have questions, concerns, bug reports, etc, please file an issue in this repository's Issue Tracker.

Getting involved

Please see our CONTRIBUTING file for more information about contributing



If you can't seem to access solr in Vagrant (checking http://localhost:8983/solr), try stopping the iptables service: sudo service iptables stop

Open source licensing info

  1. TERMS
  3. CFPB Source Code Policy