
This is a price prediction system where we can predict the current price of certain items. The items include Car, Gold, Bitcoin, Mobile and Avocado price.

Primary LanguagePython

Price Predictive System Web App

About the Web App

Price Predictive System is a web app build with StreamLit where we can predict the price of different items which includes Car price, Gold price,Bitcoin price,Mobile price,Avocado price


  • When we open the app we reach the home page where we have option to select whose price we want to know from the navigation bar.
  • All the predictive page is conneceted with a Machine Learning Model which uses different ML algorithm to predict the price
  • In the predictive page there are certain features which will be taken as input from the user.
  • After evaluation the featues the model predicts the price.
  • We can use it in real-world application

🛠  Tech Stack

Libraries Used

🔴 This app is used to predict the price of these items-->

Items Features
Car Price Predict the price of Car with 89% accuracy
Gold Price Predict the price of Gold with 98%accuracy
Bitcoin Price Predict the price of Bitcoin with 99% accuracy
Mobile Price Predict the price of Mobile
Avocado Price Predict the price of Avocado with 87% accuracy

Deployment of the Project

After the modeling part the model is deployed using Streamlit library on Streamlit Share so that the app is available for usage for everyone.

Link to my WebApp ->>


WebApp Visualization-->



