This is my neovim configuration.
- Nearly make neovim like an IDE
- helpful improvements
- Run fast with nearly 60 plugins
- Integrated with any useful command line tools like fzf
You can use git to install these configuration files.
git clone ~/.config/nvim
# if you want it downloads faster you can run
git clone --depth=1 ~/.config/nvim
Python 3
To install it, you need to run in your terminal
pip3 install pynvim
To install it, you need to run in your terminal
pip3 install neovim-remote
Neovim 0.5+ ( Neovim nightly )
- For compatibility with
, need Neovim 0.5+ - For using the colorscheme with
, need Neovim 0.5+
- For compatibility with
Node.js 12.0+
- For using the smart completion of coc.nvim
- After installation, you must do
npm install -g neovim
coc completion
For smart completion of the files.
# for bash npm i -g bash-language-server # for go brew install gopls
)You can install it with your package manager, if you use brew
brew install the_silver_searcher
For users of tex to check the tex syntax
Check the error of sh files
You can install it with your package manager, if you use brew:
brew install shellcheck
AutoFormat the sh file
You can install it with your package manager, if you use brew:
brew install shfmt
Document arrangement
Make your neovim perform better
Use git in a lazy way.
Due to I use 100 plugins to make my nvim perform more effective. My neovim become dull sometimes.
I try to make my vimrc file more simple to shorten its startup time, etc.
Doing these makes my neovim run faster.
With these effects, its startup merely use 150ms with those plugins!!!