Welcome to the Regroup Corps. This is a non-profit initiative.
We were so optimistic about the Internet. We thought more information and more connectivity was better.
Now, things are going wrong.
We need to fix this. We need to #regroup.
Improve the resiliency of civil society to polarization, misinformation, and conspiracies by massively scaling up volunteerism. We want millions of people to spend time in real world interactions with others on constructive, noble goals to reduce their vulnerability to predatory online sources.
Direct the hundreds of millions of generated volunteer hours towards new, innovative, and unconventional projects to drive lasting constructive impact in areas such as climate change, human rights, technology, and more.
Build a tech-driven platform to scale up volunteering:
Build the source: create a funnel to onboard and ramp up new volunteers that is optimized by segment, to welcome people from all groups. The funnel probably consists of some kind of collection of interest-focused member groups (and the operational design and support to run them), backed by some kind of organizer tech platform.
Build the sink: partner with existing relevant initiatives (such as existing volunteer organizations, as well as other groups that may have never thought about working with volunteers previously) and map them to our pool of volunteers
Fill out application form here: https://forms.gle/FHrCJ5vSchg94Hur6
Join Slack workspace here: https://join.slack.com/t/rgrpworkspace/shared_invite/zt-kce97az7-4OvTDkhAo0aaKNsHXhs_hA
The RGRP logo was kindly designed and donated by: Farhan Masud Chowdhury (behance.net/tfmsauce)
What is RGRP exactly?
An intentionally designed community of volunteers. The community's focus is on getting members involved in a variety of innovative and fulfilling volunteering activities regularly. The "intentionally designed" aspect refers to structured activities that the community uses to encourage volunteerism through affirmation (encouraging each other), gamification (setting concrete goals), and friendship (forming friendships and volunteering as a group across activities).
A platform group of volunteers who design the "operating system" for the community: designing the structure, measuring and iterating on initiatives, and building supporting tools and technology.
What types of volunteering activities will RGRP focus on?
The goal is to be broad, so specific areas of volunteering are not part of the definition of RGRP. However, some expected areas of initial focus are: climate change, economic equity, veteran support, and human trafficking.
Where is your official website?
Coming soon at - https://rgrp.one
Who are you?
I am a systems design engineer working in tech, based in Seattle in the US. Previously I was the co-founder of the Sentinel Project, which was one of the world's first NGOs focused using tech to empower communities at risk of mass atrocities.