Flatiron Pokemon Pal

You're building the next greatest app for Flatiron School called, "Flatiron Pokemon Pal". Your task is to take a pre-built backend (don't worry, we will give you the documentation to the backend), and use it to display wondrous Pokemon and make sure they can exercise and get love. Below you'll have an example of the implementation and from there you will need to recreate it.


Gif showing how the example is supposed to work


Your tasks include the following:

  • As a user, when the page loads I should see a single Pokemon.
  • As a user clicks on the Give Love button, it should increment the love value by one. This should be persisted in the remote API as well.
  • As a user clicks on the Exercise button, it should increment the strength value by one. This should be persisted in the remote API as well.

Implementation Notes

The Page

Just be sure to change the elements on the page as necessary. YOU DO NOT NEED TO DYNAMICALLY ADD /ALL/ Pokemon.


All requests will run through this base url: https://pokemon-pals.herokuapp.com/

You will then make sure append whatever resource you are using moving forward through this document, such as /pokemons, /love, or /strength.

GET /pokemons/:id

You will get Pokemon's by ID. You can use an ID of 1 if you like. You will have anywhere from 1 to 10.

# Example Requests
GET /pokemons/:id

# Example Response
	"id": 2,
	"name": "Dragonite",
	"level": 7,
	"love": 7,
	"strength": 9,
	"created_at": "2018-02-14T22:25:35.495Z",
	"updated_at": "2018-02-14T22:29:11.168Z"

POST /love

This route allows you to increase the love of a pokemon by one. You will only need to send in the pokemon_id as an integer in the body of the request.

# Example Request
POST /love

Required Headers
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'

Required Body
	"pokemon_id": 2

# Example Response
	"love": 8,
	"id": 2,
	"name": "Dragonite",
	"level": 7,
	"strength": 9,
	"created_at": "2018-02-14T22:25:35.495Z",
	"updated_at": "2018-02-14T22:30:28.206Z"

POST /train

This route allows you to increase the strength of a Pokemon by one. You will only need to send in the pokemon_id as an integer in the body of the request.

# Example Request
POST /train

Required Headers
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'

Required Body
  "pokemon_id": 2

# Example Response
	"strength": 10,
	"id": 2,
	"name": "Dragonite",
	"level": 7,
	"love": 8,
	"created_at": "2018-02-14T22:25:35.495Z",
	"updated_at": "2018-02-14T22:30:42.717Z"