
a simple behaviour tree library for lua ported from javascript

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

A Lua implementation of Behavior Trees ported from javascript here. They are useful for implementing behavior for video games or more complex systems.


Just copy the lib folder into your project folder, rename it (example: 'behaviourtree')

  • Lua: local BehaviourTree = require('behaviourtree/behaviour_tree')
  • Love2D: local BehaviourTree = require('behaviourtree') --uses init.lua file

How to use

Creating a simple task

A task is a simple Node (to be precise a leafnode), which takes care of all the dirty work in it's run method, which calls success(), fail() or running() in the end.

local mytask = BehaviourTree.Task:new({
  -- (optional) this function is called directly before the run method
  -- is called. It allows you to setup things before starting to run
  -- Beware: if task is resumed after calling running(), start is not called.
  start = function(task, obj)
    obj.isStarted = true

  -- (optional) this function is called directly after the run method
  -- is completed with either success() or fail(). It allows you to clean up
  -- things, after you run the task.
  finish = function(task, obj)
    obj.isStarted = false

  -- This is the meat of your task. The run method does everything you want it to do.
  -- Finish it with one of these method calls:
  -- success() - The task did run successfully
  -- fail()    - The task did fail
  -- running() - The task is still running and will be called directly from parent node
  run = function(task, obj)

--you can also declare a task like this
local myothertask = BehaviourTree.Task:new()
function myothertask:start(obj)
  obj.isStarted = true
function myothertask:finish(obj)
  obj.isStarted = false
function myothertask:run(obj)
--however the other syntax better lends itself to building an inline table

The methods:

  • start - Called before run is called. But not if task is resuming after ending with running().
  • finish - Called after run is called. But not if task finished with running().
  • run - Contains the main things you want the task is doing.

The interesting part:

  • the argument for all this methods is the object you pass in into the instance of BehaviourTree with the setObject method. This could be the object you want the behavior tree to control.

Creating a sequence

A Sequence will call every one of it's subnodes one after each other until one node calls fail() or all nodes were called. If one node calls fail() the Sequence will call fail() too, else it will call success().

local mysequence = BehaviourTree.Sequence:new({
  nodes = {
    -- here comes in a list of nodes (Tasks, Sequences or Priorities)
    -- as objects or as registered strings

Creating a priority selector

A Priority calls every node in it's list until one node calls success(), then itself calls success internally. If none subnode calls success() the priority selector itself calls fail().

local myselector = BehaviourTree.Priority:new({
  nodes = {
    -- here comes in a list of nodes (Tasks, Sequences or Priorities)
    -- as objects or as registered strings

Creating a random selector

A Random selector calls randomly one node in it's list, if it returns running, it will be called again on next run.

local myselector = BehaviourTree.Random:new({
  nodes = {
    -- here comes in a list of nodes (Tasks, Sequences or Priorities)
    -- as objects or as registered strings

Creating a behavior tree

Creating a behavior tree is fairly simple. Just instantiate the BehaviourTree class and put in a Node (or more probably a BranchingNode or Priority, like a Sequence or Priority) in the tree parameter.

local mytree = BehaviourTree:new({
  tree = 'a selector' -- the value of tree can be either string (which is the registered name of a node), or any node

Run through the behavior tree

Before you let the tree do it's work you can add an object to the tree. This object will be passed into every start(), finish() and run() method as first argument. You can use it, to let the Behavior tree know, on which object (e.g. artificial player) it is running. After this just call run() whenever you have time for some AI calculations in your game loop.

-- do this in a loop:

Using a lookup table for your tasks

If you need the same nodes multiple times in a tree (or even in different trees), there is an easy method to register this nodes, so you can simply reference it by given name.

-- register a tree node using the registry
BehaviourTree.register('testtask', mytask)
-- or register anything automatically by giving it a name
  name = 'registered task'
  -- run impl.

Now you can simply use it by name

Now putting it all together

And now an example of how all could work together.

  name = 'bark',
  run = function(task, dog)

local btree = BehaviourTree:new({
  tree = BehaviourTree.Sequence:new({
    nodes = {
        run = function(task, dog)
        run = function(task, dog)
          if dog:standBesideATree() then


local dog = Dog:new(--[[..]]) -- the nasty details of a dog are omitted

for _ = 1, 20 do

In this example the following happens: each pass on the for loop (our game loop), the dog barks – we implemented this with a registered node, because we do this twice – then it walks randomly around, then it barks again and then if it find's itself standing beside a tree it pees on the tree.


Instead of a simple Node or any BranchingNode (like any selector), you can always pass in a Decorator instead, which decorates that node. Decorators wrap a node, and either control if they can be used, or do something with their returned state. (Just now) Implemented is the base class (or a transparent) Decorator which just does nothing but passing on all calls to the decorated node and passes through all states.

But it is useful as base class for new implementations, like the implemented InvertDecorator which flips success and fail states, the AlwaysSucceedDecorator which inverts the fail state, and the AlwaysFailDecorator which inverts the success state.

local mysequence = BehaviourTree.Sequence:new({
  nodes = {
    -- here comes in a list of nodes (Tasks, Sequences or Priorities)
    -- as objects or as registered strings
local decoratedSequence = BehaviourTree.InvertDecorator:new({
  node: mysequence

Those three decorators are useful, but the most useful decorators are those you build for your project, that do stuff with your objects. Just check out the code, to see how simple it is, to create your decorator.