
Primary LanguageGo


Its a tiny messy mashup of ruby and lua. Probably not useful to anyone wanting to get something productive done.

Run it

go run ./cmd/squirt

class Animal do
  // Instance name attribute that is required with a default value of "dave".
  // Any time it is assign nil, an argument error will be raised.
  // same with the type constraint, any other type assigned will raise an argument error
  attr name = "dave", {require: true, type: String}

  func new(name)
    self.name = name

class Tim isa Animal do
  // Class attribute (capital name) with default value true
  attr HasDepression = true
  attr money

  func new(money)
    self.money = money
    super("tim") // call super with argument of "tim"

  func sayHello() // public instance method
    print("hello world")

  func _saymoney() // private instance method (prefixed with _)
    if self.money < 10
    elsif self.money > 10000
      print("I have #{self.money}") // string interpolation
      print("I have so much")

me = new(Tim, 10) // create a new Tim with 10 money

//tables can have both index and keyed values
tbl = {"one", "two", "three", four: "five", six: "seven"}

// loop though index with regular for loop
for i = 0; i < #tbl; i++ do

// loop through keys with for in loop
for k, v in tbl do
  print(k, v)

// while loop
while false do
  print("this is a while loop")

// error handling can happen in any do/end block (for, while, if, func)
  spill("This is spill an Error class error")
cleanup err = Error, ArgumentError do
  print("caught err #{err}")

// func calls can be protected with a simple form
func raiseTheRoof()
  spill(ArgumentError, "This is spill an ArgumentError class error")
  return 43

val = raiseTheRoof() // This will raise an error
err, val = @raiseTheRoof() // This is a protected call and err will be the caught error


  • use lua type tables/buckets with different ways to interact with it.
  • for num loop for general loop with classic form
  • for in for key values
  • self is always scoped in function defined on table, no special syntax, points to table
  • default to local, no way to export to global other than returning
  • assignment should be consistent
    • if targets and values match, its 1:1
    • if targets are less than values, the last value gets a bucket with the remaining values
    • if targets are more than values, the remaining are left null
    • this should work for spreads as well.
  • Almost everything is a class except classes and func. So "string" is an Instance of String

Milestone 3

  • Refinements and autocontructors
    • initial value
    • const
    • extracted and set refinements
    • type error assigned an incorrect type
    • autocontructor
    • required argument error in constructor if not passed
    • get, set bool to set readonly or writeonly, func to allow custom setter/getter
  • indexing
    • index out of range handling
    • range indexing source[1:4]
  • and and or should return values other than bool. (false || x should return the value of x)
  • ternary, maybe solve by having if statements return last values. (x = if true then a else b end)
    • already have lua style ternary condval and iftrue or iffalse
  • minimized operator interfaces
    • != should just be !(==)
    • OpNot should just use tobool and then !
    • gt, gte, lt, lte to just a single <=> compare type operator __compare
  • require extension
    • require stdlib
    • caching
    • directory require
    • require paths LOAD_PATHS
    • package management solution
  • test tooling
    • cli test flag
    • assert tooling
    • describe, test description blocks

Milestone 4

  • localization. Configuration at the package level of what to translate each keyword into so that packages that use different languages still interop
  • stdlib
    • io
    • file
    • os
    • http

Type annotations

  • Parse time type annotation checking
    • type annotations with inference
    • function parameter matching
    • function call parameter type and count check
    • assignment type mismatch (maybe only on class attributes)


  • Docs!
  • animate parsing with excerpts
  • animate runtime with excerpts

Implement it

  • function call
  • assignment
  • table def
  • table index
  • Binary operators
  • unary operators
  • block scope statements
    • if statements (no break, return propagates)
    • function def (no break, return)
    • do block (no break, return propagates)
    • for num loop (break, return propagates)
    • for in loop (break, return propagates)
    • while loop (break, return propagates)
    • until loop (break, return propagates)
    • break
    • next
    • return values
  • self
  • function call parameters
    • named spread as last parameter

Change it

  • long strings start and stop with `
  • change comments from -- to //
    • long comments with /* */
  • default to local
  • change function to func or fn
  • take out : and always scope self
  • replace ~= with !=
  • use ! unary instead of not
  • replace = in table construction with :
  • Name
  • take out optional () in function calls
  • take out goto/label
    • add in next

Second Milestone implementation

  • runtime error with stacktrace and pointer to problem
  • squirt naming
  • parser error snippets with clear pointer to problem
  • vim syntax highlighting
  • string interpolation
  • table ops <<, +, -
  • toString() and toNumber()
  • spread after table to unpack
    • assignment
    • function call values
    • table constructor
    • return values
  • multiple return values
    • assignment
    • function call values
    • table constructor
  • delete() method for removing from tables
  • string indexing
  • require
  • eval
  • typeof()
  • incr, decr -=, +=, --, ++

Object Orientation

  • Inheritance
    • proposals
    • parsing
    • class definition
    • class function definition
    • method definition
    • constructor
    • super
    • operator overriding
      • unary
      • binary
      • delegate ops to classes for string, number, bool, table
        • bool
        • func
        • nil
        • number
        • string
        • table
      • system
        • call
        • del
        • tostring
        • tobool
        • index
        • assignindex
      • input args need to be classes
      • Table keys need to be classes and they are not right now
      • String index should be iindexable runtime.go:617
    • inherit from std classes
  • error handling
    • block level catch/rescue with clean, (func, do, for, while, repeat)
    • throw errors with spill, will throw with string or class.
    • @ protect unary, first assign value will be an error or nil.