
A Turkish Tokenizer

Primary LanguagePython

TS Tokenizer

ts-tokenizer is a rule-based tokenizer specifically designed for processing Turkish text.

It provides functionalities to split text into tokens following the grammatical and linguistic rules of the Turkish language.


You can install the ts-tokenizer package using pip. Ensure you have Python 3.9 or higher installed on your system.

pip install ts-tokenizer

Command line tool

Basic usage returns tokenized output of given text file.

$ ts-tokenizer input.txt

CLI Arguments

-o parameter takes two arguments, 'tokenized' and 'tagged'. Tokenized is the default value and it is not obligatory to declare.

$ ts-tokenizer -o tagged input.txt

-w parameter reads given word/sentence on bash cli. Note that this parameter get only one word and omits whitespaces.

$ ts-tokenizer -w "geliyorlar..."

Using CLI Arguments with pipelines

ts-tokenizer could also be used in a pipeline on bash.

Following sample returns calculated frequencies for the given file:

$ ts-tokenizer input.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -n

For case-insensitive output tr is employed in the sample below:

$ ts-tokenizer input.txt | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n

Sample below returns number of tags in given text

$ts-tokenizer -o tagged input.txt | cut -f3 | sort | uniq -c
  1 Hyphen_In
  1 Inner_Punc
  2 FMP
  8 ISP
  8 Num_Char_Seq
 12 Number
 24 Apostrophe
 25 OOV
 69 FSP
515 Valid_Word

To find a specific tag following command could be used.

$ ts-tokenizer -o tagged input.txt | cut -f2,3 | grep "Num_Char_Seq"
40'ar	Num_Char_Seq
2.	Num_Char_Seq
24.	Num_Char_Seq
16'sı	Num_Char_Seq
8.	Num_Char_Seq
20'şer	Num_Char_Seq
40'ar	Num_Char_Seq

By employing sort and uniq commands frequency of the words with target tag could be found:

$ ts-tokenizer -o tagged Test_Text.txt | cut -f2,3 | grep "Num_Char_Seq" | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
  1 16'sı	Num_Char_Seq
  1 20'şer	Num_Char_Seq
  1 2.	Num_Char_Seq
  1 8.	Num_Char_Seq
  2 24.	Num_Char_Seq
  2 40'ar	Num_Char_Seq

--help returns help

$ ts-tokenizer --help

usage: main.py [-h] [-o {tokenized,tagged}] [-w] [-v] filename

positional arguments:
filename              Name of the file to process

    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    -o {tokenized,lines,tagged}, --output {tokenized,tagged}
                    Specify the output format
    -w, --word            Enable cli input mode
    -v, --verbose         Enable verbose mod



This class has 4 methods. They are useful to fix corrupted texts.

CharFix Class

from ts_tokenizer.char_fix import CharFix

Fix Characters

line = "Parça ve bütün iliåÿkisi her zaman iåÿlevsel deðildir."

Parça ve bütün ilişkisi her zaman işlevsel değildir.


line = "İstanbul ve Iğdır ''arası'' 1528 km'dir."

istanbul ve ığdır ''arası'' 1528 km'dir.

Fix Quotes

line = "İstanbul ve Iğdır ''arası'' 1528 km'dir."

İstanbul ve Iğdır "arası" 1528 km'dir.


This class is used to pass input tokens to the tokenizer for further analysis. However, it could be used for various tasks.
The tags are "Valid_Word", "Exception_Word", "Eng_Word", "Date", "Hour", "In_Parenthesis", "In_Quotes", "Smiley", "Inner_Char", "Abbr", "Number", "Non_Prefix_URL", "Prefix_URL", "Emoticon", "Mention", "HashTag", "Percentage_Numbers", "Percentage_Number_Chars", "Num_Char_Seq", "Multiple_Smiley", "Punc", "Underscored", "Hyphenated", "Hyphen_In", "Multiple_Emoticon", "Copyright", "Email", "Registered", "Three_or_More"


from ts_tokenizer.token_check import TokenCheck

Default Usage

word = "Parça"

$ Valid_Word

print(TokenCheck.token_tagger(word, output="all", output_format="tuple"))

$ ('Parça', 'Parça', 'Valid_Word')

print(TokenCheck.token_tagger(word, output="all", output_format="list"))

$ ['Parça', 'Parça', 'Valid_Word']

word = "#tstokenizer"
print(TokenCheck.token_tagger(word, output='all', output_format='tuple'))  # Returns a tuple
('#tstokenizer', '#tstokenizer', 'HashTag')

word = "#tanerim"
print(TokenCheck.token_tagger(word, output='all', output_format='list'))   # Returns a list
['@tanerim', '@tanerim', 'Mention']

word = ":):):)"
print(TokenCheck.token_tagger(word, output='all', output_format='string'))   # Returns a tab-separated string
:):):)  :):):)  Multiple_Smiley
line = "Queen , 31.10.1975 tarihinde çıkardıðı A Night at the Opera albümüyle dünya müziðini deðiåÿtirdi ."

for word in line.split(" "):
    TokenTag = TokenCheck.token_tagger(word, output='all', output_format='list')
['Queen', 'Queen', 'Eng_Word']
[',', ',', 'Punc']
['31.10.1975', '31.10.1975', 'Date']
['tarihinde', 'tarihinde', 'Valid_Word']
['çıkardıðı', 'çıkardığı', 'Valid_Word']
['A', 'A', 'OOV']
['Night', 'Night', 'Eng_Word']
['at', 'at', 'Valid_Word']
['the', 'the', 'Eng_Word']
['Opera', 'Opera', 'Valid_Word']
['albümüyle', 'albümüyle', 'Valid_Word']
['dünya', 'dünya', 'Valid_Word']
['müziðini', 'müziğini', 'Valid_Word']
['deðiåÿtirdi', 'değiştirdi', 'Valid_Word']
['.', '.', 'Punc']