
Python package for the paper "Understanding Large-Scale Dynamic Purchase Behavior", forthcoming in Marketing Science

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Understanding Large-Scale Dynamic Purchase Behavior

This Python package can be used to estimate the model as proposed in the paper "Understanding Large-Scale Dynamic Purchase Behavior" by Bruno Jacobs, Dennis Fok, and Bas Donkers, forthcoming in Marketing Science.

  • To cite this package, please cite the corresponding publication:

Bruno Jacobs, Dennis Fok, Bas Donkers, "Understanding Large-Scale Dynamic Purchase Behavior", Marketing Science (forthcoming)

This README-file is structured as follows:

  • Step-by-step instructions: How to run the code
  • Data: What the input data should look like
  • Output: Describes the output files and variables

Some minor settings can be configured in the settings.py file in this directory. However, changing any of these settings is not required to estimate the model if this README-file is followed.

The following notation is used in this README-file to denote the dimensions used in the model:

  • I: Total number of customers in the data
  • B: Total number of baskets (shopping trips) in the data
  • J: Total number of unique products in the data
  • N: Total number of purchases in the data
  • K_X: The number of basket-specific predictor variables
  • K_W: The number of customer-specific predictor variables

Step-by-step instructions

This package relies on a Python enviroment created using conda, an open-source package management system. More information about conda can be found at https://conda.io/.

Use the terminal or an Anaconda Prompt for the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the directory that contains this README.md file

  2. Create the ulsdpb conda environment from the environment.yml file:

    conda env create -f environment.yml
  3. Activate the ulsdpb environment:

    conda activate ulsdpb

    After this step, the terminal prompt should be prefixed with (ulsdpb)

  4. Initialize pseudocounts for q(phi) using a Collapsed-Gibbs LDA sampler:

    The pseudocounts for q(phi) are initialized using a Collapsed-Gibbs LDA sampler by calling the initialize_c_jm.py script. The following arguments are required when calling this script:

    • M: Number of motivations
    • S: Seed for the random number generator of the initialization
    • N_ITER: Number of iterations for the Collapsed-Gibbs LDA sampler
    • N_BURN: Number of burn-in iterations to be discarded

    This script produces a J x M matrix of initial pseudocounts for q(phi), written to a .csv file at: output/M$M/initial_c_jm.csv, where $M is replaced by the value for M.

    For example, to initialize the pseudocounts for 100 motivations, with seed 0, 10000 iterations, and discarding the first 5000 of these 10000 iterations, the following command should be used:

    python initialize_c_jm.py -M 100 -S 0 -N_ITER 10000 -N_BURN 5000

    The corresponding output will be written to output/M100/initial_c_jm.csv.

    Alternatively, this initialization step can be skipped by manually placing a .csv file with a J x M matrix of initial pseudocounts at the location mentioned above. However, do note that this initialization step is specific to both the purchase data and the number of motivations in the model

  5. Estimate the model using variational inference

    The model can be estimated by calling the estimate.py script. The following arguments are required when calling this script:

    • MODEL: Model to be estimated. Three values are valid:
      • FULL: Complete ULSDPB-model
      • NO_VAR: ULSDPB-model without VAR(1) effects
      • LDA_X: ULSDPB-model restricted to LDA-X
    • M: Number of motivations
    • N: Number of iterations for the variational inference algorithm
    • N_SAVE_PER: Number of iterations between writing intermediate output

    By default, the estimation output is written to the output/M$M/$MODEL/ folder, where $M$ is replaced by the value for M and $MODEL by the value for MODEL. The output is described in more detail in the Output section in this README-file.

    For example, to estimate the complete ULSDPB-model, with 100 motivations, 2000 iterations, and saving the intermediate output after every 500th iteration, the following command should be used:

    python estimate.py -MODEL FULL -M 100 -N_ITER 2000 -N_SAVE_PER 500

    The corresponding output will be written to output/M100/FULL/

Verification of results

To verify that the ulsdpb conda environment has been created and activated correctly, synthetic data files have been included with this package. Summary estimation results obtained for this data are provided below. These can be used to verify that the conda environment is set up correctly.

First, the pseudocounts for q(phi) are initialized with M = 10:

python initialize_c_jm.py -M 10 -S 0 -N_ITER 10000 -N_BURN 5000

After the last iteration a log likelihood of -269041 should be displayed.

Next, each model is estimated using M = 10. For each of the three models, the ELBO-value is provided after completing 100 iterations of the optimzation algorithm.


python estimate.py -MODEL FULL -M 10 -N_ITER 100 -N_SAVE_PER 100

Results in an ELBO value of -249927.86632913537 after 100 iterations.


python estimate.py -MODEL NO_VAR -M 10 -N_ITER 100 -N_SAVE_PER 100

Results in an ELBO value of -249569.56169985456 after 100 iterations.


python estimate.py -MODEL LDA_X -M 10 -N_ITER 100 -N_SAVE_PER 100

Results in an ELBO value of -252986.87489436936 after 100 iterations.

These results are obtained on a MacBook Pro Model A1707, with an 2.9 GHz quad-core Intel Core i7 Kaby Lake (7820HQ) processor.


The data consists of 3 .csv files: y.csv, x.csv, and w.csv.

The default location to store these files is in the data folder.

y.csv: The purchase data

  • Contains N lines with per line, 3 comma separated integers
  • Each line represents a tuple of customer_id, basket_id, product_id
  • Note: The data should be sorted in ascending order first by customer_id and then by basket_id
  • customer_id: ranges from 0 to I - 1 (inclusive)
    • Each customer_id in {0, 1, ..., I - 1} should occur at least once, in other words, no customer_id value is skipped in the data
  • basket_id: ranges from 0 to B - 1 (inclusive)
    • Each basket_id in {0, 1, ..., B - 1} should occur at least once, in other words, no basket_id value is skipped in the data
    • basket_id=0: The first basket of customer_id=0
    • basket_id=B-1: The last basket of customer_id=I-1
  • product_id: ranges from 0 to J - 1 (inclusive)
    • Each product_id in {0, 1, ..., J - 1} should occur at least once, in other words, no product_id value is skipped in the data
    • The purchase of product j in basket b associated with customer i is represented in the data as the line: i, b, j
    • If the purchase quantity of product j in i, b is greater than one, the line i, b, j should be duplicated. For example, if product j is purchased 5 times in i, b, the line i, b, j should occur 5 times in the data

The mapping from customers and products in the data to customer_id's and product_id's is not important. However, how the baskets in the data are mapped to a basket_id is important. The mapping from the baskets of a customer to basket_id's should be in chronological order for this particular customer, but the basket_id's do not need to be in chronological order across customers.

This can be ilustrated with a simple example involving two customers:

  • customer_id=0 has five baskets in the data. Therefore, basket_id's={0,1,2,3,4} should be used for this customer. These basket_id's should be assigned in chronological order, such that basket_id=0 refers to the first basket of customer_id=0, basket_id=1 refers to the second basket of customer_id=0, etc.
  • customer_id=1 has three baskets in the data. Therefore, basket_id's={5,6,7} should be used for this customer. Again, these basket id's should be assigned in chronological order, such that basket_id=5 refers to the first basket of customer_id=1, basket_id=6 refers to the second basket of customer_id=1, etc.
  • That is, for a given customer_id, the corresponding basket_id's should be assigned in chronological order. However, between two different customers, the assigned basket_id's do not have to imply a chronological order. In the example above, basket_id=5 (referring to the first basket of customer_id=1) could occur in time before or after any of the basket's for customer_id=0
  • Keep in mind that the data has to be sorted in ascending order, first by customer_id and then by basket_id

x.csv: The basket-specific predictor variables

  • Contains B lines with per line, K_X comma separated floats
  • The b-th line contains the K_X predictor variables for basket_id b

w.csv: The customer-specific predictor variables

  • Contains I lines with per line, K_W comma separated floats
  • The i-th line contains the K_W predictor variables for customer_id i


The output consists of several numpy arrays that are saved into a single file in compressed .npz format. The numpy.load function should be used to load these .npz files. For more information on this function, refer to the numpy manual: https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.load.html

Note that any scalar output in a .npz file is implicitly converted to a 0D numpy array.

Variational state

The variational state contains parameters of the variational distributions and expectations of moments under these variational distributions. The variational state at a particular iteration of the optimization algorithm is written to:


where XXXXXXXXXX is the 10-digit iteration number with leading zeros. For example, the output at iteration 1999 would be saved as state_0000001999.npz.

For most of the variational distributions, the parameters in the variational state correspond to the natural parameterizations of these distributions. Such natural parameters are stored in variables prefixed with eta_q_. Each natural parameter is represented as a vector, stored as a 1D numpy array. To convert these natural parameters to "regular" parameters, the corresponding functions in the expfam folder should be used.

For example, eta_q_mu_kappa is the natural parameter vector of q(mu_kappa), which is an M-dimensional multivariate Normal distribution. To convert this vector to the distribution's mean-vector and covariance-matrix, the map_from_eta_to_mu_cov function from the mvn module in the expfam folder should be used:

from expfam import mvn
mean, cov = mvn.map_from_eta_to_mu_cov(eta=eta_q_mu_kappa)

Similarly, eta_q_lambda_kappa is the natural parameter vector of q(lambda_kappa), which is an M-dimensional Wishart distribution. To convert this vector to the distribution's degrees of freedom and positive definite scale matrix, the corresponding function from the wishart module in the expfam folder should be used:

from expfam import wishart
n, v = wishart.map_from_eta_to_n_v(eta=eta_q_lambda_kappa)

The variational parameters and expectations stored in the variational state are below grouped and described for each latent variable/parameter separately.

Related to q(z_ibn) = Categorical_M

  • counts_basket: Pseudocounts over the M motivations for each basket
    • B x M matrix stored as a 2D numpy array
    • The (b, m)-th element is the variational expectation of the number of purchases in basket b assigned to motivation m
  • counts_phi: Pseudocounts over the M motivations for each product
    • J x M matrix stored as a 2D numpy array
    • The (j, m)-th element is the variational expectation of the number of purchases of product j assigned to motivation m
  • entropy_q_z: Entropy of each q(z_ibn) distribution
    • N-element vector stored as a 1D numpy array
    • The n-th element is the entropy of q(z_ibn)

Related to q(phi) = Dirichlet_J

  • eta_q_phi: Natural variational parameter for each q(phi_m)
    • J x M matrix stored as a 2D numpy array
    • The m-th column is the natural parameter for q(phi_m)
  • log_phi: E_q[log(phi)]
    • J x M matrix stored as a 2D numpy array
    • The m-th column is E_q[log(phi_m)]
  • negative_kl_q_p_phi: -KL(q(phi_m) || prior(phi_m))
    • M-element vector stored as a 1D numpy array

Related to q(alpha) = Normal_M

Note: Each q(alpha_i) is a normal_v distribution with M elements

  • mu_q_alpha: E_q[alpha]
    • B x M matrix stored as a 2D numpy array
    • The b-th row is E_q[alpha_ib]
  • sigma_sq_q_alpha: V_q[alpha]
    • B x M matrix stored as a 2D numpy array
    • The b-th row is V_q[alpha_ib]
  • alpha_sq: E_q[alpha^2]
    • B x M matrix stored as a 2D numpy array
    • The b-th row is E_q[alpha_ib^2]
  • log_theta_denom_approx: E_q[log(softmax(alpha))]
    • B-element vector stored as a 1D numpy array
    • The b-th element is E_q[log(softmax(alpha_ib))]
  • entropy_q_alpha: Entropy(q(alpha_ib))
    • B-element vector stored as a 1D numpy array
    • The b-th element is the entropy of q(alpha_ib)

Related to q(tau_alpha) = Gamma_M

Note: q(tau_alpha) is a gamma_v distribution with M elements

  • eta_q_tau_alpha: Natural variational parameter for q(tau_alpha)
    • 2M-element vector stored as a 1D numpy array
  • log_tau_alpha: E_q[log(tau_alpha)]
    • M-element vector stored as a 1D numpy array
  • tau_alpha: E_q[tau_alpha]
    • M-element vector stored as a 1D numpy array
  • negative_kl_q_p_tau_alpha: -KL(q(tau_alpha) || prior(tau_alpha))
    • Scalar stored as a 0D numpy array
    • Equal to -\sum_m KL(q(tau_alpha_m) || prior(tau_alpha_m))

Related to q(kappa) = MultivariateNormal_M

  • kappa: E_q[kappa]
    • I x M matrix stored as a 2D numpy array
    • The i-th row is E_q[kappa_i]
  • kappa_sq: E_q[kappa^2]
    • I x M matrix stored as a 2D numpy array
    • The i-th row is E_q[kappa_i^2]
  • kappa_outer: E_q[outer(kappa_i, kappa_i)] for i=1...I
    • I x M x M matrix stored as a 3D numpy array
    • The i-th row is E_q[outer(kappa_i, kappa_i)]
  • entropy_q_kappa: Entropy(q(kappa_i)) for i=1...I
    • I-element vector stored as a 1D numpy array

Related to q(mu_kappa) = MultivariateNormal_M

  • eta_q_mu_kappa: Natural variational parameter for q(mu_kappa)
    • M + M^2-element vector stored as a 1D numpy array
  • mu_kappa: E_q[mu_kappa]
    • M-element vector stored as a 1D numpy array
  • mu_kappa_outer: E_q[outer(mu_kappa, mu_kappa)]
    • M x M matrix stored as a 2D numpy array
  • negative_kl_q_p_mu_kappa: -KL(q(mu_kappa) || prior(mu_kappa))
    • Scalar stored as a 0D numpy array

Related to q(lambda_kappa) = Wishart_M

  • eta_q_lambda_kappa: Natural variational parameter for q(lambda_kappa)
    • 1 + M^2-element vector stored as a 1D numpy array
  • lambda_kappa: E_q[lambda_kappa]
    • M x M matrix stored as a 2D numpy array
  • log_det_lambda_kappa: E_q[log(det(lambda_kappa))]
    • Scalar stored as a 0D numpy array
  • negative_kl_q_p_lambda_kappa: -KL(q(lambda_kappa) || prior(lambda_kappa))
    • Scalar stored as a 0D numpy array

Related to q(beta_m) = MultivariateNormal_|X|

  • eta_q_beta: Natural variational parameter for each q(beta_m)
    • M x (|X| + |X|^2) matrix stored as a 2D numpy array
    • The m-th row is the natural parameter for q(beta_m)
  • beta: E_q[beta]
    • M x |X| matrix stored as a 2D numpy array
    • The m-th row is E_q[beta_m]
  • beta_outer: E_q[outer(beta_m, beta_m)] for m=1...M
    • M x |X| x |X| matrix stored as a 3D numpy array
    • The m-th row is E_q[outer(beta_m, beta_m)]
  • negative_kl_q_p_beta: -KL(q(beta_m) || prior(beta_m))
    • M-element vector stored as a 1D numpy array

Related to q(gamma_m) = MultivariateNormal_|W|

  • eta_q_gamma: Natural variational parameter for each q(gamma_m)
    • M x (|W| + |W|^2) matrix stored as a 2D numpy array
    • The m-th row is the natural parameter for q(gamma_m)
  • gamma: E_q[gamma]
    • M x |W| matrix stored as a 2D numpy array
    • The m-th row is E_q[gamma_m]
  • gamma_outer: E_q[outer(gamma_m, gamma_m)] for m=1...M
    • M x |W| x |W| matrix stored as a 3D numpy array
    • The m-th row is E_q[outer(gamma_m, gamma_m)]
  • negative_kl_q_p_gamma: -KL(q(gamma_m) || prior(gamma_m))
    • M-element vector stored as a 1D numpy array

Related to q(rho_m) = MultivariateNormal_M

  • eta_q_rho: Natural variational parameter for each q(rho_m)
    • M x (M + M^2) matrix stored as a 2D numpy array
    • The m-th row is the natural parameter for q(rho_m)
  • rho: E_q[rho]
    • M x M matrix stored as a 2D numpy array
    • The m-th row is E_q[rho_m]
  • rho_outer: E_q[outer(rho_m, rho_m)] for m=1...M
    • M x M x M matrix stored as a 3D numpy array
    • The m-th row is E_q[outer(rho_m, rho_m)]
  • negative_kl_q_p_rho: -KL(q(rho_m) || prior(rho_m))
    • M-element vector stored as a 1D numpy array

Related to q(delta_m) = Normal_M

Note: q(delta_m) is a normal_v distribution with M elements

  • eta_q_delta: Natural variational parameter for q(delta_m)
    • 2M-element vector stored as a 1D numpy array
  • delta: E_q[delta]
    • M-element vector stored as a 1D numpy array
  • delta_sq: E_q[delta^2]
    • M-element vector stored as a 1D numpy array
  • negative_kl_q_p_delta: -KL(q(delta) || prior(delta))
    • Scalar stored as a 0D numpy array

Related to q(delta_kappa) = Normal_1

Note: q(delta_kappa) is a normal_v distribution with 1 element

  • eta_q_delta_kappa: Natural variational parameter for q(delta_kappa)
    • 2-element vector stored as a 1D numpy array
  • delta_kappa: E_q[delta_kappa]
    • Scalar stored as a 0D numpy array
  • delta_kappa_sq: E_q[delta_kappa^2]
    • Scalar stored as a 0D numpy array
  • negative_kl_q_p_delta_kappa: -KL(q(delta_kappa) || prior(delta_kappa))
    • Scalar stored as a 0D numpy array

Related to q(delta_beta) = Normal_1

Note: q(delta_beta) is a normal_v distribution with 1 element

  • eta_q_delta_beta: Natural variational parameter for q(delta_beta)
    • 2-element vector stored as a 1D numpy array
  • delta_beta: E_q[delta_beta]
    • Scalar stored as a 0D numpy array
  • delta_beta_sq: E_q[delta_beta^2]
    • Scalar stored as a 0D numpy array
  • negative_kl_q_p_delta_beta: -KL(q(delta_beta) || prior(delta_beta))
    • Scalar stored as a 0D numpy array

Related to q(delta_gamma) = Normal_1

Note: q(delta_gamma) is a normal_v distribution with 1 element

  • eta_q_delta_gamma: Natural variational parameter for q(delta_gamma)
    • 2-element vector stored as a 1D numpy array
  • delta_gamma: E_q[delta_gamma]
    • Scalar stored as a 0D numpy array
  • delta_gamma_sq: E_q[delta_gamma^2]
    • Scalar stored as a 0D numpy array
  • negative_kl_q_p_delta_gamma: -KL(q(delta_gamma) || prior(delta_gamma))
    • Scalar stored as a 0D numpy array

Step sizes for the gradient updates q(alpha)

  • ss_mu_q_alpha: Adaptive step sizes for the gradients of mu_q_alpha_ib
    • B-element vector stored as a 1D numpy array
    • The b-th element gives the step size for the gradient of mu_q_alpha_ib
  • ss_log_sigma_q_alpha: Adaptive step size for the gradients of log_sigma_q_alpha_ib
    • B-element vector stored as a 1D numpy array
    • The b-th element gives the step size for the gradient of log_sigma_q_alpha_ib

Initial state

The variational state as described above, at the start of the variational inference algorithm, written to:



The prior information used in the variational inference algorithm, based on the settings as specified in model/prior.py, written to:



The dataset used in the variational inference algorithm, based on the input data from y.csv, x.csv, and w.csv, written to:


Miscellaneous settings

The miscellaneous settings as specified in settings.py, written to:


VI settings

The variational inference settings as specified in settings.py, written to:
