
Oss Aliyun for Flutter

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Language: English | 中文简体


Oss aliyun plugin for flutter. Use sts policy to authenticate the user.

flutter pub: https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_oss_aliyun

oss sts document: https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/100624.html


  • upload object
  • get object
  • save object in files
  • delete object
  • upload multiple objects at once
  • delete multiple objects at once


First, add flutter_oss_aliyun as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

  flutter_oss_aliyun: ^2.0.3

Don't forget to flutter pub get.

1. init the client, we provide two ways to do it.

use sts server, just provide the sts url from our backend server:

    stsUrl: "server url get sts token",
    ossEndpoint: "oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com",
    bucketName: "bucket name",

This sts url api at least return the data:

  "AccessKeyId": "AccessKeyId",
  "AccessKeySecret": "AccessKeySecret",
  "SecurityToken": "SecurityToken",
  "Expiration": "2022-03-22T11:33:06Z"

you can also customize the way to get sts json response.

    ossEndpoint: "oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com",
    bucketName: "bucketName",
    tokenGetter: _tokenGetterMethod

String _tokenGetterMethod() async {
  return '''{
        "AccessKeyId": "access id",
        "AccessKeySecret": "AccessKeySecret",
        "SecurityToken": "security token",
        "Expiration": "2022-03-22T11:33:06Z"

2. put the object to oss

final bytes = "file bytes".codeUnits;
await Client().putObject(bytes, "test.txt");

3. get the object from oss

await Client().getObject("test.txt");

4. download the object from oss

await Client().downloadObject("test.txt", "./example/test.txt");

5. delete the object from oss

await Client().deleteObject("test.txt");

6. batch put the object to oss

await Client().putObjects([
  AssetEntity(filename: "filename1.txt", bytes: "files1".codeUnits),
  AssetEntity(filename: "filename2.txt", bytes: "files2".codeUnits),

7. batch delete the object from oss

await Client().deleteObjects(["filename1.txt", "filename2.txt"]);