Right now it boots to LineageOS 18.1 (maybe)
- Display
- Sound
- Camera
- Touchscreen (but keypad fw update leads to a kernel panic)
- Vibrator
- Sensors
- The entire power stack (including battery and dash charger)
- Other random unnoticed stuff
- Rewrite part of the power stack to fix it. The power supply framework was refactored a lot from 3.18 to 4.4. MSM8996 uses QPNP SMB Charger while MSM8998 uses SMB2 Battery Charger so we can't kang from OP5/5T despite they're from the same OEM.
- Backport eBPF so this kernel can also boot on LineageOS 19.0.
- Merge latest patches from Linux kernel 4.4.302.
- This is dianlujitao's unfinished port rebased on an updated 4.4 kernel from CodeAurora. It is very likely that this port will also be unfinished, as I am developing this in my spare time.
- Contributions to are welcomed and appreciated. Feel free to send a pull request containing bug fixes towards the port. Warning fixes, security patches, features and other rices will be ignored.