
This repository shares the code to replicate result from the paper Synthesizing Diverse and Physically Stable Grasps with Arbitrary HandStructures using Differentiable Force Closure Estimation

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repository shares the code to replicate results from the paper Synthesizing Diverse and Physically Stable Grasps with Arbitrary Hand Structures using Differentiable Force Closure Estimation [arxiv] [project]

We tested our code with Python 3.8, PyTorch 1.9 and CUDA 11.1. However, the code should work with any recent version of PyTorch.


  • Numpy
  • Trimesh
  • Plotly
  • PyTorch
  • manopth

Download data

  • Signup and download the license-protected hand model file MANO_RIGHT.pkl from [http://mano.is.tue.mpg.de] and place it in data/mano/.
  • Download DeepSDF model weights and other related files from Google Drive and extract into data/


Run python synthesis.py to run our grasp synthesis algorithm with 1024 parallel syntheses, a MANO hand, and spheres with random radius. Synthesized examples that satisfy the constraints in Eq. 11 are stored in synthesis/. The demo code synthesis.py supports the following arguments:

  • --batch_size: number of parallel syntheses. Default: 1024
  • --n_contact: number of contact points. Default: 5
  • --max_physics: number of optimization steps. Default: 10000
  • --max_refine: number of refinement steps. Set to 0 to turn off refinement. Default: 1000
  • --hand_model: choice of ['mano', 'mano_fingertip']. Default: 'mano'
  • --obj_model: choice of ['bottle', 'sphere']. Default: 'bottle'
  • --langevin_probability: chance of choosing Langevin dynamics over contact point sampling in optimization steps. Default: 0.85
  • --hprior_weight: weight of $E_\mathrm{prior}$. Default: 1
  • --noise_size: size of noise used in Langevin dynamics. Default: 0.1
  • --mano_path: path to MANO parameters. Default: 'data/mano'
  • --output_dir: path to store synthesis results. Default: 'synthesis'