
golang sdk for ucloud api

Primary LanguageGo

UCloud Go SDK


UCloud Logo

UCloud SDK is a Go client library for accessing the UCloud API.

This client can run on Linux, macOS and Windows. It requires Golang 1.10.x and above.


via source

go get github.com/ucloud/ucloud-sdk-go

via dep

dep ensure -add github.com/ucloud/ucloud-sdk-go


import {

Create a new UCloud client of each service to access the different parts of the UCloud API.


Currently, user public key & private key is the only method of authenticating with the API. You could get your keys here: Key Generation

You can then use your keys to create a new client of uhost service:

package main

import (

func loadConfig()(*sdk.Config, *auth.Credential){
    cfg := sdk.NewConfig()

    credential := auth.NewCredential()
    credential.PrivateKey ="my_privatekey"
    credential.PublicKey = "my_publickey"

    return &cfg, &credential

func main(){
    cfg, credentail := loadConfig()
    uhostClient := uhost.Newclient(cfg, credential)

Quick Start

To create a new uhost:

# build Request
req := uhostClient.NewCreateUHostInstanceRequest()
req.Name       = sdk.String("sdk-example-uhost")
req.Zone       = sdk.String("cn-bj2-02")
req.ImageId    = sdk.String("uimage-ixczxu")
req.LoginMode  = sdk.String("Password")
req.Password   = sdk.String("my_uhost_password")
req.ChargeType = sdk.String("Dynamic")
req.CPU        = sdk.Int(1)
req.Memory     = sdk.Int(1024)
req.Tag        = sdk.String("sdk-example")

# send request
newUHost,err := uhostClient.CreateUHostInstance(req)

if err != nil{
    fmt.Printf("something bad happened: %s\n", err)

fmt.Printf("resource id of the uhost: %s\n", newUHost.UHostIds[0])


UHost created above cannot be accessed via Internet unless an EIP is created and bind to the UHost.


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