
A react-native template using youui and advanced mobx Architecture

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

The scaffold for react-native

YouUI and MobX React Native Template

It's an experienced template for a new react native project with youui and mobx architecture.

1. Prepare

Install Dependencies:

  1. NVM( ~> 0.33.11 )

    $ brew update && brew install nvm

  2. NodeJS( ~> 8.11.2LTS )

    $ nvm install v8.11.2

  3. yarn

    $ npm install -g yarn

  4. rnpm

    npm install -g rnpm

On iOS platform, Xcode is needed.

On Android platfrom, Android studio or Genymotion is needed.

Btw, if you are not familiar with iOS and Android and coding on Windows, CRNA may be more suitable for you.

After finish install dependencies, you can launch the template easily.

2. Install

Replace xxx to your real project name.

  1. $ npm install -g react-native-cli
  2. $ react-native init xxx --template youui
  3. $ cd xxx
  4. $ cat gitignore >> .gitignore && rm gitignore

Notice: The devDependencies can not be installed automatically before version 0.54.4. You must update it manually

The more detail here is: facebook/react-native#18164

At last, launch it to check.


react-native run-ios


react-native run-android


You need start an iOS simulator or android simulator before running your app, see more: https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/getting-started.html

3. Some Advice

Question: How to rename my project

  1. Update the name of package.json
  2. Update the name of index.ios.js && index.android.js
  3. rm -rf ios && rm -rf android;
  4. react-native upgrade
  5. npm install

Question: How to change the package-manager default port

  1. Update the scripts of package.json
  2. add "postinstall": "./post_install.sh"
  3. npm install or yarn install

It's all

4. Other useful resources

  1. react layouts
  2. mobx best practices in react-native

5. Code style recommend

  1. Use ES7
  2. Four spaces instead of tab
  3. ESLint Enable

6. Built with


Thanks to FaceBook and 80% team