
🗃️ Improved Backup Service for Hass.io that can Automatically Remove Backups and Supports Generational Backup Schemes.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

🗃 Auto Backup

hacs_badge Open your Home Assistant instance and start setting up a new integration.

Improved Backup Service for Home Assistant that can Automatically Remove Backups and Supports Generational Backup Schemes. Note: Requires the Home Assistant Supervisor to Create Backups.

While Home Assistant does provide built-in services for creating backups, these are not documented and do not provide a way to automatically remove them, this custom component aims to fix that.


All service parameters are optional.


Create a full backup with optional exclusions.

Parameter Description Type Example
name Backup name. string Automatic Backup {{ now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }}
password Optional password to secure backup. string 1234
keep_days The number of days to keep the backup. float 2
exclude Addons/Folders to exclude from the backup. exclude_object {"addons": ["MariaDB"], "folders": ["Local add-ons", "share"]}
download_path Directory to download the backup to after creation. directory /usb_drive

Exclude Object

Parameter Description Type Example
addons List of addons to backup (name or slug). list ["Almond", "glances", "core_mariadb"]
folders List of folders to backup. list ["Local add-ons", "homeassistant", "share"]


Create a partial backup.

Parameter Description Type Example
name Backup name. string Automatic Backup {{ now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }}
addons List of addons to backup (name or slug). list ["Almond", "glances", "core_mariadb"]
folders List of folders to backup. list ["Local add-ons", "homeassistant", "share"]
password Optional password to secure backup. string 1234
keep_days The number of days to keep the backup. float 2
download_path Directory to download the backup to after creation. directory /usb_drive


Purge expired backups.

There are no parameters here, just call the service and it will remove any expired backups.

This service is useful if you want to manually specify when to purge backups, such as doing a batch delete at 12AM (Note: expired backups are automatically purged when creating new backups, this can be disabled in the config.

Addon/Folder Names

Addon names are case-insensitive and can be the addon name/title, these are the same names seen when creating a partial backup through the Supervisor backups page. They can also be the addons slug (slug must be lowercase).

Folder names are also case-insensitive and use the names seen when creating a partial backup through the Supervisor backups page. Currently, accepted values are (ignoring case):

  • ssl
  • share
  • media
  • local add-ons or addons/local
  • home assistant configuration or homeassistant

Keep Days

The keep_days parameter allows you to specify how long the backup should be kept for before being deleted. Default is forever. You can specify a float value for keep days, e.g. to keep a backup for 12 hours use 0.5.

Download Path

The download_path parameter allows you to specify a directory to download the backup to after creation. This directory must be accessible from Home Assistant. If you are running in docker your paths will be relative to the container for example your Home Assistant configuration directory is stored under /config and the share folder is under /share.

The backup will still be stored under /backup and show up on the Supervisor backups page, it will only be downloaded to the location specified, to immediately delete the backup from the Supervisor use a negative value for keep_days (-1 will suffice).

A slugified version of the backups name will be used for the filename, if a file with that name already exists the backups slug will be used instead.

Note: on docker by default you and this integration do not have direct access to the /backup folder, which is why the backup is downloaded and not copied.


Automation Example

  • Event: auto_backup.backup_start, data: {"name": "NAME"}
  • Event: auto_backup.backup_successful, data: {"name": "NAME", "slug": "SLUG"}
  • Event: auto_backup.backup_failed, data: {"name": "NAME", "error": "ERROR"}
  • Event: auto_backup.purged_backups, data: {"backups": ["SLUG"]}



After installing Auto Backup via HACS, it can then be setup via the UI, go to the Integrations menu and add Auto Backup.

On Home Assistant 2021.3.0 and above you can use the badge below to automatically start the setup

Open your Home Assistant instance and start setting up a new integration.

Manual Configuration (Deprecated)

Just add auto_backup to your home assistant configuration.yaml file.

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  auto_purge: true

Configuration Variables

  • auto_purge (boolean) (Optional)

    • Default value: true
    • This option will automatically purge any expired backups when creating a new backup.
  • backup_timeout (integer) (seconds) (Optional)

    • Default value: 1200 (20 min)
    • You can increase this value if you get timeout errors when creating a backup. This can happen with very large backups.


Example: Notify on Backup Failure

- alias: "Notify Backup Failure"
    platform: event
    event_type: auto_backup.backup_failed
    service: persistent_notification.create
      title: "Backup Failed."
      message: "Name: {{ trigger.event.data.name }}\nError: {{ trigger.event.data.error }}"

Example: Automatic Backups

Perform a partial backup of the home assistant config folder, mariadb and mosquitto every 3 hours, and store each backup for 2 days.

- alias: Perform Auto Backup
    - platform: time_pattern
      hours: "/3"
    - service: auto_backup.backup_partial
        name: "AutoBackup: {{ now().strftime('%a, %-I:%M %p (%d/%m/%Y)') }}"
          - almond
          - Glances
          - mosquitto broker
          - core_mariadb
          - homeassistant
          - Share
          - ssl
          - Local add-ons
        keep_days: 2

Example: Exclude from Backup

- alias: Perform Daily Backup
    - platform: time
      at: "00:00:00"
    - service: auto_backup.backup_full
        name: "DailyBackup: {{ now().strftime('%A, %B %-d, %Y') }}"
        keep_days: 7
            - Portainer
            - Local add-ons
            - share

Advanced Example: Generational Backups


Generational backups (wiki) allow you to store backups over a long period of time while still having frequent enough backups to be useful for recovery. This is done by reducing the frequency of backups as they get older.
Personally I take a backup of home assistant every 3 hours for the first 2 days, then each day for a week, and finally each week for a month.

For example, lets say my database has corrupted and I want to restore it.

If its been less than 48 hours since it corrupted then I can restore to the exact point before it corrupted +/- 1.5 hours (if you're monitoring trends you don't want to lose hours worth of data, so 1.5 is pretty good),

If 48 hours have passed then I can restore to any point +/- 12 hours over the past 5 days (minus the two where the db was corrupted).

Over a week I can restore to any point +/- 1 week over the past 3 weeks, while +/- 1 week isn't very useful for restoring a database, it can be useful for subtle thing you don't notice, like if you accidentally deleted something.

This is substantially more efficient than storing a backup every 3 hours for a month, and while you lose some accuracy as the backups get older, most failures (if they even occur) will be noticed within 48 hours,

Also most things other than your database don't change that often so a 4 week old backup of your home assistant config may be the same as 1 day old backup. Also in my case the 3 hourly backup only backs up the important files to save on storage, whereas my daily/weekly backups are full backups.

Of course you can tweak these values to your liking, or even add a month/yearly backup schedule 👍.


  - alias: Perform Auto Backup
      platform: time_pattern # Perform backup every 3 hours.
      hours: "/3"
      service: auto_backup.backup_partial # Only perform a partial backup to save storage.
        name: "AutoBackup: {{ now().strftime('%a, %-I:%M %p (%d/%m/%Y)') }}"
          - core_mariadb # It doesn't matter if you use the addon slug or name. Name is easier.
          - core_mosquitto
          - homeassistant
          - share
          - ssl
        keep_days: 2

  - alias: Perform Daily Backup
      platform: time
      at: "02:30:00"
      condition: time # Perform backup every day except Mondays.
        - tue
        - wed
        - thu
        - fri
        - sat
        - sun
      service: auto_backup.backup_full
        name: "DailyBackup: {{ now().strftime('%A, %B %-d, %Y') }}"
        keep_days: 7

  - alias: Perform Weekly Backup
      platform: time
      at: "02:30:00"
      condition: time # On Mondays perform a weekly backup
        - mon
      service: auto_backup.backup_full
        name: "WeeklyBackup: {{ now().strftime('%A, %B %-d, %Y') }}"
        keep_days: 28 # Store backup for a month, basically perform 1 backup each week and store for 4 weeks.