
tangly open source components

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

tangly OS Components

The tangly open source components are a set of open source libraries released under Apache 2.0 licence and are available through maven central. The components are

  • BDD behavior driven development library

  • COMMONS commons library

  • DEV development tools library FSM hierarchical finite state machine library

  • GLEAM declarative model transformation frameworks library. Approaches for TSV and JSON representations are available.

  • PORTS ports library providing examples to connect a business domain model to external systems

  • UI Vaadin user interface library

  • WEB Web utilities library

  • ERP Components

    • ERP CRM customer relations management business components library

    • ERP INVOICES invoices business components library

    • ERP LEDGER ledger business components library

    • ERP PRODUCTS products business components library

    • ERP SHARED shared business components library

The documentation is located under tangly-team.

The repository is hosted under GitHub tangly OS GitHub.

A mirror is also hosted under GitLab tangly OS GitLab.

A legacy mirror is also hosted under BitBucket tangly OS BitBucket.

The issue tracker for errors, improvements, and corrections is tangly OS issues.

For any further question and discussion you can use the forum tangly-OS-Components

Beware we are experimenting with the most current versions of components, libraries and JDK. The components are stored in a single git repository and are build using a multi-modules gradle build script.


You are welcome to contribute to the product with pull requests on Bitbucket. You can download the source files from the bitbucket git repository. Build the library with the provided gradle configuration file.

If you find a bug or want to request a feature, please use the issue tracker.


The source code is licensed under Apache license 2.0.

The documentation and examples are licensed under Creative Common (CC Attribution 4.0 International).

Compile the product

You shall have access to a Git installation to clone the repository and download the files. You must install JDK version 15 to compile the source code. The Gradle build file can be triggered without any supplemental installation with

./gradlew build

The first run will take time because all dependencies will be downloaded from Maven repositories. The next compilations will be much faster. Ensure you have enough bandwidth to provide a smooth experience.

All development activities are performed with probably the best Java IDE IntelliJ IDEA.

DevOps Activities

These instructions are for project committers.

The project is hosted on:

git add remote origin-github      git@github.com:tangly-team/tangly-os.git                (1)
git add remote origin-gitlab      git@gitlab.com:marcelbaumann/tangly-os.git              (2)
git add remote origin-bitbucket   git@bitbucket.org:tangly-team/tangly-os.git             (3)
git add remote origin-hslu        https://gitlab.enterpriselab.ch/tangly/tangly-os.git    (4)
  1. primary git repository due to the excellent support for static websites.

  2. secondary git repository.

  3. historical git repository missing support for {ref-asciidoc} and static websites.

  4. teaching repository used for technical university of Lucerne lectures.


  1. Automated as build script

  1. Automated as build script

  1. Go to the Commits

  2. Select the commit you want to deploy

  3. On the displayed screen select the Run pipeline operation. You are presented with a selection of deployment options. The variable BB_AUTH_STRING is defined through REPOSITORY-OWNER-NAME:_APP-PASSWORD_. The continuous deployment is a manual step to limit the usage of pipeline minutes and diminish associated costs.

Awesome Sponsors and Developers

Corporate sponsors are:


Feature sponsorship allows an organization to sponsor specific new features or improvements. If your organization would benefit from the addition of a new feature or capability to tangly OS components, you can fund its development.

Please contact tangly llc or send an email to info@tangly.net.

Individual developers are