Uncertainty-guided Label Correction with Wavelet-transformed Discriminative Representation Enhancement

Primary LanguagePython

Uncertainty-guided Label Correction with Wavelet-transformed Discriminative Representation Enhancement

This repository accompanies the research paper, Uncertainty-guided Label Correction with Wavelet-transformed Discriminative Representation Enhancement (accepted at Neural Networks 2024). Our code is adapted from "Extended T: Learning with Mixed Closed-set and Open-set Noisy Labels" (Zhang et al., IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 2022)


Identifying noise is challenging because noisy samples closely resemble true positives. Existing approaches often assume a single noise source, oversimplify closed-set noise, or treat open-set noise as toxic and eliminate it, resulting in limited practical effects. To address these issues, we present a novel approach named uncertaintyguided label correction with wavelet-transformed discriminative representation enhancement (Ultra), designed to mitigate the effects of mixed noise. To achieve robust mixed-noise identification, we initially look into a learnable wavelet filter for obtaining discriminative features and filtering spurious cues automatically at the representation level. Subsequently, we introduce a two-fold uncertainty estimation to stably locate noise within the corrupted supervised signal level. These insights pave the way for a simple yet potent label correction technique, enabling comprehensive utilization of open-set noise, which can be rendered non-toxic in a specific manner, in contrast to harmful closed-set noise. Experimental validation on datasets with synthetic mixed noise, web noise corruption, and a real-world dataset confirms the effectiveness and generality of Ultra. Furthermore, our approach enhances the application of efficient techniques (e.g., supervised contrastive learning) within label noise scenarios.


You can setup python environment with:

conda create -n ULTRA python=3.6.15
conda activate ULTRA
pip install -r requirements.txt


Our experiment was conducted on the following datasets:

  • CIFAR-10
  • Red Mini-ImageNet
  • NoisywikiHow paper code data
  • Clothing1M

Opening images is time-consuming, so we need to first convert them to numpy format. You should get dataset as follows:

# Download data.zip from release, which contains data for `CIFAR-10` and `Red Mini-ImageNet`
mv /path/to/data.zip .
unzip data.zip

# get NoisywikiHow-dataset
git clone git@github.com:tangminji/NoisywikiHow-dataset.git
mv NoisywikiHow-dataset data/wikihow

# Follow the `step 1` from [this repo](https://github.com/Cysu/noisy_label) to get the Clothing1M data.
# get Clothing1M data
mkdir -p dataset
mv /path/to/clothing1M dataset/Clothing_1M
# move the image folder directly into Clothing_1M folder
mv dataset/Clothing_1M/images/* dataset/Clothing_1M/

# preprocess Clothing_1M dataset
conda activate ULTRA
python data_preprocess.py


To conduct our experiment, you need to run shell as follows:


#SBATCH -J wiki_ours_0.4_nrun1-top5
#SBATCH -p compute
#SBATCH --gres gpu:tesla_v100-sxm2-16gb:1
#SBATCH -t 20:00:00
#SBATCH -o results/wiki_ours_0.4_nrun1-top5.out

conda activate ULTRA

for seed in 0
    python main_ce1.py \
    --params_path enum/wiki/ours/0.4/param1/hy_best_params.json \  # best_params path, you can also set the params in command line according to the Table 7 in paper
    --dataset wiki \       # Available dataset: [cifar10s(default), cnwl(Red Mini-ImageNet), wiki(NoisywikiHow), Clothing1M]
    --model_type ours \    # Available method: ce(CrossEntropy, baseline), ours(ULTRA), ours_cl(ULTRA+)
    --noise_rate1 0.0 \    # open corruption rate
    --noise_rate2 0.4 \    # closed corruption rate
    --filter dwt \         # Available filter: None(for baseline), dwt(For ULTRA)
    --seed $seed \
    --f_type enh_red \
    --lam 0.5 \            # weight for representation enhancement
    --warm_up 6 \          # After warm_up epoch, Ultra starts to update 
    --epsilon 0.3 \        # for ID noise judgement
    --eta 0.3 \            # for OOD noise judgement
    --delta 0.006 \        # smoothing for one-hot vector
    --inc 0.0006 \         # for increment of epsilon, delta
    --n_epoch 20 \
    --nrun \               # set nrun, the results will save at 'nrun/dataset/xxx'
    --suffix top5          # extra info add to the path

Our best params can be found at Table 7 in our paper.


If you find this code useful in your research then please cite:

title = {Uncertainty-guided label correction with wavelet-transformed discriminative representation enhancement},
journal = {Neural Networks},
pages = {106383},
year = {2024},
issn = {0893-6080},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neunet.2024.106383},
url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0893608024003071},
author = {Tingting Wu and Xiao Ding and Hao Zhang and Minji Tang and Bing Qin and Ting Liu}}