Jive is a standalone JAVA application designed to browse and edit the static TANGO database. jive moved to https://gitlab.com/tango-controls/jive
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jive license
#58 opened by PhilLAL - 1
Jive does not support full range of DevULong64 values
#52 opened by t-b - 0
Add Class info in the Device Info section
#57 opened by flanglois - 2
using long as argin type
#45 opened by tango-controls-bot - 0
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- 0
- 1
[Jive] show existing services
#2 opened by tango-controls-bot - 4
Jive API to save server data
#3 opened by tango-controls-bot - 1
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- 1
empty hostCombo has zero height
#55 opened by jkotan - 2
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how to create a device alias?
#53 opened by PhilLAL - 3
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Properties registered using default values cannot be viewed by other clients
#46 opened by tango-controls-bot - 3
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- 2
Can't handle DevBoolean attributes
#41 opened by tango-controls-bot - 2
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problem with TangodatabaseHistory
#39 opened by tango-controls-bot - 2
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how to remove an alias
#37 opened by tango-controls-bot - 2
add a view with all devices per class.
#36 opened by tango-controls-bot - 3
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search capability
#33 opened by tango-controls-bot - 3
Double click on device node behaviour
#32 opened by tango-controls-bot - 3
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Shortcut to start ATKPanel
#25 opened by tango-controls-bot - 2
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Lost functionality
#22 opened by tango-controls-bot - 2
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updating property with character "\"
#20 opened by tango-controls-bot - 2
Version 2.7d and IDL2
#19 opened by tango-controls-bot - 3
Ivaliud attribute quality factor
#18 opened by tango-controls-bot - 8
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loading property file in Jive
#16 opened by tango-controls-bot - 3
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Attribut alias order
#5 opened by tango-controls-bot