
RnD for SmokeSNET, expect questionable code here.

Primary LanguageJava


Hey! Welcome to the RnD repo for SmokeSNET. This will hold a mess of test code that isn't ready to make its way into the main codebase (i.e. stuff that isn't yet worthy of a branch). It's definitely not the place for working code - if you want that, look over here.

What is SmokeSNET?

SmokeSNET is a university project by Matt Smith. It aims to investigate the effects of social networking on people attempting to give up smoking.

How is it going to work?

Without going into too much detail, it will represent the social network as a directional graph with humans being the nodes. Nodes will posess characteristics and the ability to make decisions to the level of being able to reconfigure their social ties.

What are you using to do this?

It'll largely be written in Java (some bits may be in Python, because I'm trying my best to like it) using the Repast Simphony agent-based modelling environment. Other useful things that are being used are:

More items will be added above as I go along.

Other Repos

Relating to this project, I have:


Research - No longer maintained