
I don't want to miss any news about u.

Primary LanguageShell

Site Monitor

I don't want to miss any news about the websites I'm interested in. So I write a script to monitor changes to those sites.

The idea is very simple:

  • wget site.html
  • git add && git commit
  • if git commit succeeds, notify me!

This script only works on Linux, but it can be easily implemented on other platforms. I am not intended to make it portable.


The script uses git, notify-send and wget.

sudo apt install libnotify-bin  # for notify-send


I want to get latest news of NJU CS.

./site-monitor.sh https://cs.nju.edu.cn/1654/list.htm

Running this cmd will create a directory named @cs.nju.edu.cn@1654@list.htm. The directory name is the site url after replacing starting @ with https:// and other @ with /.

Then run ./site-monitor.sh will check all sites in the script directory.

I want to monitor LAMDA publication list. However, it is a dynamic page and every time re-run ./site-monitor.sh will send a notification. Just use git log -p to observe the differences and write a rules.sh to delete volatile lines:

./site-monitor.sh http://www.lamda.nju.edu.cn/CH.Pub.ashx

cat << EOF > www.lamda.nju.edu.cn@CH.Pub.ashx/rules.sh
sed -i '/hidden/d' CH.Pub.ashx

chmod +x www.lamda.nju.edu.cn@CH.Pub.ashx/rules.sh


Better use with cron. I schedule it every hour. And here is my crontab:

# m h  dom mon dow   command
  0 *   *   *   *    /path/to/site-monitor.sh

You can also set it to start automatically when login:

cat << EOF > "$HOME/.config/autostart/site-monitor.desktop"
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=bash -c 'sleep 30 && `realpath site-monitor.sh`'
Comment=Monitor websites and notify the latest news


Since it uses git, histories are saved. You should respect the privacy of the website owner.