
This is an extension of google::re2 library which provides some convenient pythonic API

Primary LanguageC++

This is an extension of google::re2 library which provides some convenient pythonic API


  • MatchObject class to store the match result similar in python re module
  • Some convenient pythonic APIs (including: match, search, findall, sub), see header file for detail.


  • install google::re2 library

  • compile this library, you can compile by cmake or raw g++ command:

      # Use cmake style
      cmake . && make
      # Or use raw g++ command
      g++ *.cc -std=c++11 -fPIC -shared -pthread -lre2 -o libre2ext.so
  • demo:

      # you can run demo by this
      g++ demo.cpp -std=c++11 -L. -lre2 -lre2ext -o demo.exe