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How to Install Coursify

Navigate to the "coursify" directory:

   1.  Run "bundle install"
   2.  Run "rake db:migrate"


Open the folder in your favourite text editor and in Config >> Initializers >> intercom.rb

On Line 4, replace your_api_id_here with your intercom app id.


Open app >> controllers >> application_controller.rb and on line 81, replace "39" with your course price.

On line 80, set @incremental to true or false, depending on whether or not you want incremental pricing on or off.


Navigate to app >> views >> application >> _footer_partial.html.erb and update the footer with your details


Navigate to app >> views >> application >> _disqus_partial.html.erb and paste your disquss embed code there

Home Page and Enroll Page

Navigate to app >> views >> pages >> home.html.erb and update the home page with your course details. Do the same for app >> views >> pages >> enroll.html.erb


Navigate to app >> views >> pages >> onboard.html.erb and replace lines 81, 82, 85 and 86 with two questions you want to ask your students after they enroll.


Navigate to app >> mailers >> notifications_mailer.rb and replace your_email_here on lines 3 and 4 with your actual email address (in quotes).

Navigate to config >> environments >> production.rb and on line 80, replace "Your_domain.com" with your actual domain name (without the www) inside two quotes.

Navigate to config >> applcation.rb and replace lines 16, 17, 19 and 23 with your Mandrill Details and Domain Name.


You can also customize Devise >> registrations >> edit, Devise >> sessions >> new, Devise >> passwords >> new and Devise >> passwords >> edit with your course name.

Stripe and Heroku

Finally, make sure you set your stripe api keys as environment variables in heroku, so your payment works.

And remember to migrate your heroku database

    heroku run "rake db:migrate"

You might also want to generate a new secret key for your app before you deploy to heroku, so your app is secure. Admin User and Student User

Admin Users can be created via the console with "AdminUser.new" and Student Users (Students) are refered to as "StudentUser" in the app.

"current_student_user" is how you get the current user object, and 		"current_admin_user" is how you get the current admin user object.