
React Table - A lightweight, fast and extendable datagrid for React

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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React Table

react-table is a lightweight, fast and extendable datagrid built for React

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  • Lightweight at 7kb (and just 2kb more for styles)
  • Fully customizable JSX templating
  • Supports both Client-side & Server-side pagination and multi-sorting
  • Column Pivoting & Aggregation
  • Minimal design & easily themeable
  • Fully controllable via optional props and callbacks
  • "Why I wrote React Table and the problems it has solved for Nozzle.io by Tanner Linsley

Table of Contents


$ npm install react-table


import ReactTable from 'react-table'

const data = [{
  name: 'Tanner Linsley',
  age: 26,
  friend: {
    name: 'Jason Maurer',
    age: 23,

const columns = [{
  header: 'Name',
  accessor: 'name' // String-based value accessors !
}, {
  header: 'Age',
  accessor: 'age',
  render: props => <span className='number'>props.value</span> // Custom cell components!
}, {
  header: 'Friend Name',
  accessor: d => d.friend.name // Custom value accessors!
}, {
  header: props => <span>Friend Age</span>, // Custom header components!
  accessor: 'friend.age'



Simply pass the data prop anything that resembles an array or object. Client-side sorting and pagination are built in, and your table will update gracefully as you change any props. Server-side data is also supported!


These are all of the available props (and their default values) for the main <ReactTable /> component.

  // General
  loading: false, // Whether to show the loading overlay or not
  defaultPageSize: 20, // The default page size (this can be changed by the user if `showPageSizeOptions` is enabled)
  minRows: 0, // Ensure this many rows are always rendered, regardless of rows on page
  showPagination: true, // Shows or hides the pagination component
  showPageJump: true, // Shows or hides the pagination number input
  showPageSizeOptions: true, // Enables the user to change the page size
  pageSizeOptions: [5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100], // The available page size options
  expanderColumnWidth: 30, // default columnWidth for the expander column

  // Callbacks
  onChange: (state, instance) => null, // Anytime the internal state of the table changes, this will fire
  onTrClick: (row, event) => null,  // Handler for row click events

  // Text
  previousText: 'Previous',
  nextText: 'Next',
  pageText: 'Page',
  ofText: 'of',
  rowsText: 'rows',

  // Classes
  className: '-striped -highlight', // The most top level className for the component
  tableClassName: '', // ClassName for the `table` element
  theadClassName: '', // ClassName for the `thead` element
  tbodyClassName: '', // ClassName for the `tbody` element
  trClassName: '', // ClassName for all `tr` elements
  trClassCallback: row => null, // A call back to dynamically add classes (via the classnames module) to a row element
  paginationClassName: '' // ClassName for `pagination` element

  // Styles
  style: {}, // Main style object for the component
  tableStyle: {}, // style object for the `table` component
  theadStyle: {}, // style object for the `thead` component
  tbodyStyle: {}, // style object for the `tbody` component
  trStyle: {}, // style object for the `tr` component
  trStyleCallback: row => {}, // A call back to dynamically add styles to a row element
  thStyle: {}, // style object for the `th` component
  tdStyle: {}, // style object for the `td` component
  paginationStyle: {}, // style object for the `paginination` component

  // Controlled Props (see Using as a Fully Controlled Component below)
  page: undefined,
  pageSize: undefined,
  sorting: undefined,
  expandedRows: undefined,
  // Controlled Callbacks
  onExpandRow: undefined,
  onPageChange: undefined,
  onPageSizeChange: undefined,

You can easily override the core defaults like so:

import { ReactTableDefaults } from 'react-table'

Object.assign(ReactTableDefaults, {
  defaultPageSize: 10,
  minRows: 3,
  // etc...

Or just define them on the component per-instance

  // etc...


<ReactTable/> requires a columns prop, which is an array of objects containing the following properties

  // General
  accessor: 'propertyName' or Accessor eg. (row) => row.propertyName,
  id: 'myProperty', // Conditional - A unique ID is required if the accessor is not a string or if you would like to override the column name used in server-side calls
  sortable: true,
  sort: 'asc' or 'desc', // used to determine the column sorting on init
  show: true, // can be used to hide a column
  minWidth: 100 // A minimum width for this column. If there is room, columns will flex to fill available space

  // Cell Options
  className: '', // Set the classname of the `td` element of the column
  style: {}, // Set the style of the `td` element of the column
  render: JSX eg. ({value, rowValues, row, index, viewIndex}) => <span>{value}</span>, // Provide a JSX element or stateless function to render whatever you want as the column's cell with access to the entire row
    // value == the accessed value of the column
    // rowValues == an object of all of the accessed values for the row
    // row == the original row of data supplied to the table
    // index == the original index of the data supplied to the table
    // viewIndex == the index of the row in the current page

  // Header & HeaderGroup Options
  header: 'Header Name' or JSX eg. ({data, column}) => <div>Header Name</div>,
  headerClassName: '', // Set the classname of the `th` element of the column
  headerStyle: {}, // Set the style of the `th` element of the column

  // Header Groups only
  columns: [...] // See Header Groups section below



React-table is built to be dropped into existing applications or styled from the ground up, but if you'd like a decent starting point, you can optionally include our default theme react-table.css. We think it looks great, honestly :)

Header Groups

To group columns with another header column, just nest your columns in a header column like so:

const columns = [{
  header: 'Favorites',
  columns: [{
    header: 'Color',
    accessor: 'favorites.color'
  }, {
    header: 'Food',
    accessor: 'favorites.food'
  } {
    header: 'Actor',
    accessor: 'favorites.actor'

Pivoting & Aggregation

Pivoting the table will group records together based on their accessed values and allow the rows in that group to be expanded underneath it. To pivot, pass an array of columnID's to pivotBy. Remember, a column's id is either the one that you assign it (when using a custom accessors) or its accessor string.

  pivotBy={['lastName', 'age']}

Naturally when grouping rows together, you may want to aggregate the rows inside it into the grouped column. No aggregation is done by default, however, it is very simple to aggregate any pivoted columns:

// In this example, we use lodash to sum and average the values, but you can use whatever you want to aggregate.
const columns = [{
  header: 'Age',
  accessor: 'age',
  aggregate: (values, rows) => _.round(_.mean(values)),
  render: row => {
    // You can even render the cell differently if it's an aggregated cell
    return <span>{row.aggregated ? `${row.value} (avg)` : row.value}</span>
}, {
  header: 'Visits',
  accessor: 'visits',
  aggregate: (values, rows) => _.sum(values)

Pivoted columns can be sorted just like regular columns, but not independently of each other. For instance, if you click to sort the pivot column in ascending order, it will sort by each pivot recursively in ascending order together.

Sub Tables & Sub Components

By adding a SubComponent props, you can easily add an expansion level to all root-level rows:

  SubComponent={(row) => {
    return (
        You can put any component you want here, even another React Table! You even have access to the row-level data if you need!  Spark-charts, drill-throughs, infographics... the possibilities are endless!

Server-side Data

If you want to handle pagination, and sorting on the server, react-table makes it easy on you.

  1. Feed React Table data from somewhere dynamic. eg. state, a redux store, etc...
  2. Add manual as a prop. This informs React Table that you'll be handling sorting and pagination server-side
  3. Subscribe to the onChange prop. This function is called at compomentDidMount and any time sorting or pagination is changed by the user
  4. In the onChange callback, request your data using the provided information in the params of the function (state and instance)
  5. Update your data with the rows to be displayed
  6. Optionally set how many pages there are total
  data={this.state.data} // should default to []
  pages={this.state.pages} // should default to -1 (which means we don't know how many pages we have)
  manual // informs React Table that you'll be handling sorting and pagination server-side
  onChange={(state, instance) => {
    // show the loading overlay
    this.setState({loading: true})
    // fetch your data
    Axios.post('mysite.com/data', {
      page: state.page,
      pageSize: state.pageSize,
      sorting: state.sorting
      .then((res) => {
        // Update react-table
          data: res.data.rows,
          pages: res.data.pages,
          loading: false

For a detailed example, take a peek at our async table mockup

Fully Controlled Component

React Table by default works fantastically out of the box, but you can achieve even more control and customization if you choose to maintain the state yourself. It is very easy to do, even if you only want to manage parts of the state.

Here are the props and their corresponding callbacks that control the state of the a table:

  // Props
  page={0} // the index of the page you wish to display
  pageSize={20} // the number of rows per page to be displayed
      id: 'lastName',
      asc: true
    }, {
      id: 'firstName',
      asc: true
  }]} // the sorting model for the table
    1: true,
    4: true,
    5: {
      2: true,
      3: true
  }} // The nested row indexes on the current page that should appear expanded

  // Callbacks
  onPageChange={(pageIndex) => {...}} // Called when the page index is changed by the user
  onPageSizeChange={(pageSize, pageIndex) => {...}} // Called when the pageSize is changed by the user. The resolve page is also sent to maintain approximate position in the data
  onSortingChange={(column, shiftKey) => {...}} // Called when a sortable column header is clicked with the column itself and if the shiftkey was held. If the column is a pivoted column, `column` will be an array of columns
  onExpandRow={(index, event) => {...}} // Called when an expander is clicked. Use this to manage `expandedRows`


When clicking on a column header, hold shift to multi-sort! You can toggle ascending descending and none for multi-sort columns. Clicking on a header without holding shift will clear the multi-sort and replace it with the single sort of that column. It's quite handy!

Component Overrides

Though we confidently stand by the markup and architecture behind it, react-table does offer the ability to change the core componentry it uses to render everything. You can extend or override these internal components by passing a react component to it's corresponding prop on either the global props or on a one-off basis like so:

// Change the global default
import { ReactTableDefaults } from 'react-table'
Object.assign(ReactTableDefaults, {
  TableComponent: Component,
  TheadComponent: Component,
  TbodyComponent: Component,
  TrGroupComponent: Component,
  TrComponent: Component,
  ThComponent: Component,
  TdComponent: Component,
  PaginationComponent: Component,
  PreviousComponent: Component,
  NextComponent: Component,
  LoadingComponent: Component,
  ExpanderComponent: Component

// Or change per instance
  // etc...

If you choose to change the core components React-Table uses to render, you must make sure your replacement components consume and utilize all of the supplied and inherited props that are needed for that component to function properly. We would suggest investigating the source for the component you wish to replace.


To suggest a feature, create an issue if it does not already exist. If you would like to help develop a suggested feature follow these steps:

  • Fork this repo
  • npm install
  • npm run watch
  • Implement your changes to files in the src/ directory
  • Submit PR for review

If you would like to preview your changes, you can link and utilize the example like so:

  • npm link
  • cd example
  • npm install
  • npm link react-table
  • npm run watch
  • Make changes to the example in src/screens/index.js if needed
  • View changes at localhost:8000

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