
TySheMo Service: A easy mock/doc server

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This package is based on TySheMo. It can help you to serve up a doc server, a mock server and a testing server quickly with your types files.


npm i tyshemo-service


const Service = require('tyshemo-service')
const server = new Service(options, configs)

server.mock() // serve up a mocker server
// server.doc() // serve up a doc server


  // required
  data: [],

  // optionals
  base: string, // api base url
  error: {
    code: 'error_code',
    error: 'error_message',
  errorMapping: mapping, // mapping for error code and messages


  10001: 'database disconnected.',


To serve up, the most important information to pick from.

data: [ // group level, to group apis and show tree in doc
    name: 'group name',
    items: [ // api item level
        name: 'api name',
        description: 'api description',
        method: 'get', // lowercase, will be used by express to route
        path: '/path/:id', // concat with basePath, will be used by express to serve up mock server, show in doc page

        request: {}, // json
        response: {}, // json

        // override global options
        base: '',
        error: {}

        // unit test
        test: [
            frequency: 1000,
            // unit name
            name: '111',
            // replace params in `path`
            params: {
              id: '123',
            // override request mocking
            request: {},

        // override response mock data
        mock: {
          // use keyPath to override
          'data.body.some': 123,

The most important is request and response options. The Type instances should be imported from which is shared with your project code.


const Service = require('tyshemo-service')
const server = new Service(options, configs)



  port: number, // used when invoke server.serve()
  // used when only invoke server.doc()
  doc?: {
    port: number,
    title: string, // used when invoke server.serve()
    description: string, // used when invoke server.serve()
    template: FileAbsPath, // used when invoke server.serve()
    root: string, // the root uri to visit default '/' // used when invoke server.serve()
  // used when only invoke server.mock()
  mock?: {
    port: number,
    transformer: function, // you can modify mock data before it out // used when invoke server.serve()
  // used when only invoke server.test()
  test?: {
    port: number,
    target: 'http://my.api.com', // the target api host to test // used when invoke server.serve()
    title: string, // used when invoke server.serve()
    description: string, // used when invoke server.serve()
    root: string, // defualt '/', '/_test' when serve // used when invoke server.serve()
    template: FileAbsPath, // used when invoke server.serve()

When you invoke server.doc() or server.mock(), you can pass server config into these methods.

When you invoke server.serve(), the ports of doc, mock, test will not work


The docTemplateFile and testTemplateFile give your the ability to modify want you see in browser. You should look into doc.html and test.html.

The placeholder string __TITLE__ __DESCRIPTION__ and __DATA__ can be used in your template.