
Project from Maghimim 2015 camp for teaching about the SQL Injection vulnerability, and about SQL.

Further documentation is pending. Pull requests and help appreciated.

##What it is?

Using SQLite emscripten'd to JavaScript and Materialize this small website is here to educate people about SQL Injection. It runs locally and does not require any installations, only a static web server - additionally it can be accessed at .

How do I use it?

There is an attached exercise file, currently it is in Hebrew. The tasks are:

  • Login to the site.
  • Login to the site as administrator.
  • List all the pizzas.
  • Remove the pizza causing the visa-spam.
  • Add a new Pizza.
  • Login as administrator.
  • Change the price of Pizzas to 10.

For obvious reasons, any "client side" tinkering (like using the developer tools) is prohibited.

Why is the code ugly?

Because it was written in one go, I was sleep deprived when I wrote it and it worked. There is basic routing and view management through loading HTML/CSS pages. jQuery was added in retrospect because Materialize needed it - code can be simplified to use more jQuery to be slimmer. The route index.html#<route> loads views/<route>.html, places it in the view, then loads views/<route>.js and evals it.

Why aren't the jokes funny?

Because of this guy, he has spent the last three years making my jokes less and less funny until I eventually sort of gave up on sane or sophisticated humor. Hey, Rebecca's happy - right? Right? Right?

What is Uziely? Why should he forgive?

Uziely is Nitzan Uziely, he should forgive Inbal so they can be friends again just like in freshmen year. Here is an accurate description of the conflict. Also that joke never apprears in the PizzaHack site.

Who is Robert Lemon? Did He Really Do a #2 on a Slide?

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