
Download Calameo books in SVG and/or PNG and create PDF using Python requests.

Primary LanguagePython


Calameo is a website providing everyone with books or magazines. However, the lack of downloading option makes it harder to keep and read contents offline .


To install files:

git clone https://github.com/tanguy-launay/calameo-downloader

To Install Required Modules:

pip install -r requirements.txt


usage: urls_scrapper.py [-h] -u URLS [URLS ...] [-n [NAMES [NAMES ...]]]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u URLS [URLS ...], --urls URLS [URLS ...]
                        calameo url list of the book(s) you want to download, separated by spaces
  -n [NAMES [NAMES ...]], --names [NAMES [NAMES ...]]
                        the output name of the PDF book, if not specified, it
                        will be the one on the website

Configurations are done within the urls_scrapper.py file. These configurations include:

  • List of book links
  • Possibility to change the names
  • Option to only download PDF version
  • Choosing another directory

Given a list of calmeo.com books, the script will go through all the pages and dowload them. If only_pdf is set to false, the script will not clean intermediate files (images, single page pdf, ...)


This project is a fork from https://github.com/whoisoscar/calameo-downloader The 2 functions to convert images to pdf are copied pasted from the original.