
Automate Google Chrome and MS Edge using native AutoHotkey. 使用纯 AutoHotkey 操控 Chrome 和 Edge 。

Primary LanguageAutoHotkeyMIT LicenseMIT


Automate Google Chrome and MS Edge using native AutoHotkey.
使用纯 AutoHotkey 操控 Chrome 和 Edge 。

What has been enhanced compared to Chrome.ahk

  • Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge are supported.
  • Error reports directed to user code instead of library code.
  • Added 30-seconds timeout for all funtions that could cause a dead loop.
  • Simplified creation of ProfilePath.
  • Fixed an issue that Chrome to report error due to slow opening.
  • Fixed an issue that Chrome to report error due to shortcuts were not found.
  • 基于 GeekDude 2023.03.21 Release 版修改,与 GeekDude 版相比有以下增强。
  • 支持谷歌 Chrome 与微软 Edge 。
  • 报错可直接定位到用户代码,而不是库代码。
  • 为所有可能造成死循环的地方添加了默认30秒的超时参数。
  • 简化了 Chrome 用户配置目录的创建。
  • 修复了 Chrome 打开缓慢而报错的问题。
  • 修复了找不到开始菜单中的 Chrome 快捷方式而报错的问题。

How it works

Chrome offers a WebSocket based API they call the Chrome DevTools Protocol. This API is what allows web development tools to build integrations, and tools such as Selenium to perform their automation. The protocol's documentation describes a plethora of exciting endpoints accessible using this library, and can be found at the link below.



  • No external dependencies such as Selenium are required
  • Chrome can be automated even when running in headless mode
    • Launching in headless mode is not currently supported by this library
  • Chrome consistently benchmarks better than Internet Explorer
  • Chrome offers extensions which provide unique opportunities for interaction
    • Automate your Chromecast
    • Connect to remote servers with FoxyProxy and update web based configs
    • Manage your password vault with LastPass
  • Many features are available that would be difficult to replicate in Internet Explorer
    • Page.printToPDF
    • Page.captureScreenshot
    • Geolocation spoofing


  • Chrome must be started in debug mode
    • If chrome is already running out of debug mode, it must either be closed and reopened or launched again under a new profile that isn't already running
    • You cannot attach to an existing non-debug session
  • Less flexible than Internet Explorer's COM interface
    • Cannot pass function references for callbacks

Using this Library

To start using this library you need to create an instance of the class Chrome. Chrome's constructor accepts four optional parameters:

  1. ProfilePath - This is the path, relative to the working directory, that your Chrome user profile is located. If an empty folder is given, chrome will generate a new user profile in it. When this parameter is omitted, Chrome will be launched under the default user profile. However, if chrome is already running under that user profile out of debug mode, this will fail. Because of this, it is recommended to always launch Chrome under an alternate user profile.
  2. URLs - The page or array of pages that chrome should initially be opened to. Pass an empty string to open Chrome's homepage. When this parameter is omitted, Chrome will be opened to about:blank.
  3. ChromePath - The path to find the Chrome executable file. When this parameter is omitted, Chrome will be launched from the path in its start menu entry.
  4. DebugPort - The network port to communicate with Chrome over. When this parameter is omitted, port 9222 will be used as specified in the Chrome DevTools Protocol documentation.

Once an instance of the class Chrome has been created, Google Chrome will be launched. To connect to the newly opened page call PageInstance := ChromeInstance.GetPage(). Afterward, use PageInstance.Call() to call protocol endpoints, and PageInstance.Evaluate() to execute JavaScript.

#Include Chrome.ahk

; Create an instance of the Chrome class using
; the folder ChromeProfile to store the user profile
ChromeInst := new Chrome("ChromeProfile")

; Connect to the newly opened tab and navigate to another website
; Note: If your first action is to navigate away, it may be just as
; effective to provide the target URL when instantiating the Chrome class
PageInst := ChromeInst.GetPage()
PageInst.Call("Page.navigate", {"url": "https://autohotkey.com/"})

; Execute some JavaScript
PageInst.Evaluate("alert('Hello World!');")

; Close the browser (note: this closes *all* pages/tabs)


You can find more sample code showing how to use this library in the Examples folder.