
Scenario Two: Your team has been contracted to create a web log hosting site.

Primary LanguagePython


Matthew Ming, Sajed Nahian, Stefan Tan, Michelle Tang

Scenario Two: Your team has been contracted to create a web log hosting site.

Instructions to Run:

  1. Make sure you have sudo access to your local and computer and that it has python3 installed.
  2. Install virtualenv if you don't want the processes interfere with your system by typing $ sudo pip install virtualenv in the terminal.
  3. Create your own environment by typing (myproject and venv are placeholders for names of your choosing):
$ mkdir myproject
$ cd myproject
$ virtualenv venv
  1. Activate the virtual environment by typing $ . venv/bin/activate in the terminal.
  2. Once you have your virtual environment activated, type $ sudo pip install wheel and $ sudo pip install Flask to install Flask.
  3. Clone this repo. To clone this repo, open a terminal session and navigate to the folder you want this repo to located in. Then clone with SSH by typing $ git clone git@github.com:tangym27/MS-2.git in the terminal.
  4. Navigate to the v0 directory by typing $ cd MS-2/v0/ in the terminal.
  5. Run the python file by typing $ python app.py in the terminal.
  6. This should appear in the terminal after running the python file.
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
* Restarting with stat
* Debugger is active!
* Debugger PIN: 248-748-502
  1. Open a web broswer and navigate to the link only when the python file is running.
  2. Sign up or log in to view, create blogs and add entries!