
Save the key and SN for the x86 serial boards

Primary LanguageShell


Save the key and SN for the x86 serial boards

  1. Power up the BBG, and the OS will auto bootup
  2. After bootup, the service will auto starting
  3. the service will detect whether the scanner has OK(/dev/input/by-id)
  4. if the /dev/input/by-id is not exist, the LED3 will blink. or all LED will light on.

when all LED on, press the switch on the jig
BBG will send command to cell phone and take photo.
BBG download the photo from cellphone
scan the code on board(WB & Seeed)
rename the photo by the SN

Now, the SN support the following patten:
Seeed SN: start with A or J
WB SN: start with M or N