
Make your own extensions for!

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If you only remember one thing: Web Extension Guide

Not so different from normal extensions

Breakdown of the differences

Normal extension Web extension
Same with no code/no main Same with no code/no main
Can be bundled or not. Needs to be bundled into 1 JavaScript file.
Has a main in its package.json Has browser in its package.json
Can use node libraries like fs or path Needs web compliant alternatives like path-browserify
Can use fs for accessing files Use VS Code's FileSystemProvider instead to access files.

Sample changes made to popular extensions

Extension Pull Request
Indent Rainbow vscode-indent-rainbow#114
Color Highlight vscode-ext-color-highlight#148
Peacock vscode-peacock#461
OneDark Pro Theme OneDark-Pro#601
YAML vscode-yaml#594
Prettier prettier-vscode#2180