
Export for usage outside of svelte

milafrerichs opened this issue · 4 comments

Hey @tanhauhau

thanks for this! Really neat, would you consider adding the ability to export this component to be used outside of svelte?
something like this:

new JsonTree({
	target: document.querySelector('#main'),
	props: {
		value: {
			array: [1, 2, 3],
			bool: true,
			object: {
				foo: 'bar'

Would love to use it in my project.
I have already forked it and would have one way of implementing it ready and could provide a PR.


Have a great day and a great Christmas holiday (if you celebrate that :) )

published v0.1.0 for this.

awesome, thanks!
merry Christmas! :)

@tanhauhau thanks for that
Happy New Year!!

I just tried it out and it unfortunately did not work.

I think it's because you published it only as cjs and this does not work in the browser.
would it be possible to publish as umd as well and give it a name (like JsonTree)

{ file: 'dist/index.js' , 'format': 'umd', name: 'JsonTree' }

similar to what I did in my fork:

Thanks a lot.
Have a great day.

Sorry for getting back this later, i've published a umd version in 1.0.0.

You can use it in the browser directly like:

  <script src="https://unpkg.com/svelte-json-tree@1.0.0/dist/standalone/umd/index.js"></script>
    new SvelteJsonTree({
      target: document.body,
      props: { value: [20, 21] },