- 2
Label : Spacing
#26 opened by ZaxyxaZ - 0
svelte 5
#30 opened by zhihengGet - 3
Unexpected token: punc (.) for minification
#15 opened by davy-blavette - 1
- 3
Display differs from Svelte REPL console
#25 opened by techniq - 0
Highlighting values closes the node
#23 opened by z-x - 1
Expanding not working
#22 opened by jaclas - 1
[Feature Request] turn display of JSON on/off
#17 opened by WillFreitag - 1
Accessibility warnings
#19 opened by PuruVJ - 2
Circular dependencies warning
#7 opened by ZaDarkSide - 2
- 3
- 4
Export for usage outside of svelte
#3 opened by milafrerichs - 1
- 1
Console warnings, unknown props
#11 opened by rsdavis - 0
A form label must be associated with a control
#12 opened by babakfp - 1
- 2