
Frontend2 React Web - Source code Shop online e-commerce By React & Node & MongoDB

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


The FRONTEND2 REACT WEB is a free e-commerce website project for everyone to use. It is built in React & Node & MongoDB. And anyone can use it.

  • Customers do not need to know much about technology.
  • Powerful system, many useful functions.
  • Easy to access, easy to use.

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PayPal buymeacoffee TanHongIT

2. Technology

  • React & Node & MongoDB
  • Framework Express

3. Feature

    - Shopping cart
    - Save cart with cookie
    - Customer login, logout
    - Content: Product, Product List, Product Details, Category,...
    - Product attributes: cost price, detail,...
    - Search, Filter products by price,...
    - Checkout, PlaceỎder,...
    - Constrain the number of products in the cart:
      + Do not allow checkout when the cart is out of stock
      + Do not allow to enter the overloaded quantity with the number of goods in stock
      + ...


    - Admin roles, permission
    - Products manager   (Create, delete, update)
    - Orders management  (Create, delete, update)
    - Profile management   (Create, delete, update)
    - My OrderList  (Show)

4. Configuration requirements

We are going to build the web application using:

5. Running

5.1. Install NodeJS

For Windows : https://nodejs.org/en/

Test version:

node -v && npm -v

5.2. Install MongoDB

View tutorial, download and Install it from here: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/administration/install-community/

5.3. Clone repo

git clone https://github.com/TanHongIT/frontend2_react_web
cd frontend2_react_web

5.4. Import Database .json file to MongoDB

Open new terminal. Go to databases directory path.

Then Run & Connect to MongoDB.

cd databases
mongoimport --db=tanhong --collection=products --file=products_is_tanhong_db_update.json
mongoimport --db=tanhong --collection=users --file=users_is_tanhong_db.json

Account login on Backend

user :
    email: hiiiii@gmail.com         | password: 123
    email: reactweb@gmail.com       | password: 123
    email: reactweb2020@gmail.com   | password: 123

    email: tanhong@gmail.com        | password: 12345
    email: tanhongi@gmail.com       | password: 1234

5.5. Run Backend

Open new terminal.

npm install
npm start

5.6. Run Frontend

Open new terminal

cd frontend
npm install
npm start

5.7. Go to Homepage

Run http://localhost:3000
