
🐜 An ecosystem of Vim/Neovim which allows developers to write cross-platform plugins in Deno

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT

An ecosystem of Vim/Neovim which allows developers to write plugins in Deno.

Deno 1.28.0 or above Vim 9.0.0472 or above Neovim 0.8.0 or above

MIT License deno land test reviewdog

vim help deno doc Documentation

Quick start

First of all, install the latest Deno. See Deno's official manual for details.

Note that deno command need to be executable from Vim/Neovim. You can confirm it by exepath() function in Vim/Neovim like below:

:echo exepath('deno')

Or specify an absolute path to g:denops#deno variable (See :help g:denops#deno.)

Once you got deno to work, install vim-denops/denops.vim as a general Vim plugin. For example, the following uses vim-plug:

Plug 'vim-denops/denops.vim'
Plug 'vim-denops/denops-helloworld.vim'

Then you can confirm if denops is working properly by executing DenopsHello command like:


Once you've confirmed that denops is working, you can remove vim-denops/denops-helloworld.vim.

Shared server

Normally, a Denops server is started for each Vim/Neovim instance, but there are cases where the process startup becomes a bottleneck and impairs usability.

In such cases, launching a "Shared server" and connecting to it will allow all Vim/Neovim instances to use a shared server, thus avoiding the bottleneck of process launches and possibly improving usability.

To start the shared server, execute the following command in the denops.vim repository top

deno run -A --no-lock ./denops/@denops-private/cli.ts

Then specify the server address in g:denops_server_addr as follows

let g:denops_server_addr = ''

If you'd like to specify hostname and port, use --hostname and --port command arguments as follows

deno run -A --no-lock \
    ./denops/@denops-private/cli.ts \
    --hostname= \
    --port 12345


To learn how to write Vim/Neovim plugins by denops, see Denops Documentation or denops.vim Wiki.


Before v1.10.0, we defined that the version of denops.vim indicates that code versions of the entire repository. However, we changed this assumption from version v1.10.0. Now we defined the version of denops.vim indicates the version of the code in the denops/@denops directory that is published to deno.land as denops_core. That's why we won't bump versions when there are no changes on code in that directory.


Denops is mainly developed by members of vim-jp.

Inspired by

This ecosystem is strongly inspired by coc.nvim which allows developers to write Vim/Neovim plugin in Node.js.


The code follows MIT license written in LICENSE. Contributors need to agree that any modifications sent in this repository follow the license.