
Help an institution that helps other people. They got a lot of bills to pay and we got a lot of ideas to share.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status

Help an institution that helps other people. They got a lot of bills to pay and we got a lot of ideas to share.

Setup local environment

To run locally for development

  • Start mongo server $ path/to/mongo/mongod;
  • Run the application using shotgun $ shotgun;
  • Go to localhost:9393;

To seed test data

  • Run $ rake db:seed to create one single bill for testing
  • Run $ rake db:seed[n] to create n bills
  • $ rake -T will list all available tasks

If you want to deploy on the cloud

I'd recommend using AppFog

  • Create an account on AppFog;
  • Install Appfog gem af;
  • Using your command line shell, go to directory where your forked billbo repository is;
  • Login in your Appfog account running $ af login;
  • Run $ af push [appname] --runtime ruby193 and follow the instructions to create the app;
  • Once it's created, go to AppFog console and install the MongoLab Add-on;
  • In the Services tab add a MongoDB service;
  • Then run $ af update [appname] and make sure your app restarted;
  • If you're allowed to push to the original repository (thoughtworks/billbo), deployment will be automatic after each push and can be checked on billbo.aws.af.cm;

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