This example shows a simple example of the DAG interface for a MNIST Siamese network. This network is a simple extension of the original MNIST network with two branches connected to a Contrastive loss [1].
The training is done on the original MNIST data and learns an embedding to a 2D space which is simple to visualize.
The simplest way how to install the module is to run:
vl_contrib install siamese-mnist
vl_contrib setup siamese-mnist
edit siamese_mnist_example
An example tutorial on how to run the training and evaluate a MNIST Siamese network is in the MATLAB Live Script siamese_mnist_example.mlx
. It shows how to train and cut the Siamese network to parts in order to obtain the final feature embedding.
The final embedding should look similar to this:
Network and training definition script.matlab/vl_create_siamese.m
Helper function to create a Siamese network.matlab/vl_nncontrloss.m
Implementation of the Contrastive loss.
[1] Hadsell, Raia, Sumit Chopra, and Yann LeCun. "Dimensionality reduction by learning an invariant mapping" In Proc. of CVPR 2006.