This is a landing page portfolio website that shows the projects that I have done so far and what I will do in near future.
When you start the app, the first page you are going to see is the Hero section, which has a pitch of the portfolio owner. When you are in a different section of the app, by clicking on the navigation logo it will bring you back to this section.
The next is the About section which consists of a short introduction of the portfolio owner and an illustration. The About button on the navigation bar links to this section.
The Project section consists of the portfolio owner’s finished projects and projects in process. The Project button on the navigation bar links to this section. The unfinished projects have a text over saying that it is “coming soon” and the preview photo of the project is a little bit faded away. These projects are not clickable as there are no more details on it.
The finished projects are clickable, when you click on one, a popup window will appear with more information about the project: the screenshot of the app, a short description along with the technologies used in the project. There are two buttons that lead to external links related to the project. The popup window can be closed by clicking on “X” on the top right corner.
The Technologies section shows a name and a logo of technologies which I used. The Tech button on the navigation bar links to this section.
The Contact section has clickable links to the portfolio owner’s email, mobile and location. In the bottom of the contact section you can see the footer which has clickable logos of the portfolio owner’s github and LinkedIn profiles. The Contact button on the navigation bar links to this section.
You need to have npm installed on your computer. In the project terminal first run:
It would compile the project before you would run it. After this go to the next step:
Runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.