Exam Generator Software

This software assists professors in exam curation, generation, revision, and retrieval of previous exams.

python3 qdriver.py

Sprint 2 Planning


  1. Create basic GUI interface using Python GUI library
    • Should be able to pull questions from database and display in list
    • Should be able to add, remove & update questions/answers via interface
  2. Answers
    • Add/remove/edit answers
    • Implement answer in the model
    • Adding answer table to pySQLite database schema
  3. Questions
    • Implement remaining question types
  4. Testing
    • PyTest
    • Test that our API is working as expected
    • Write tests before writing code
      • Adding, removing & editing questions
      • Same for answers
    • Manual testing for interface
  5. Demonstration
    • Run tests to make sure the functions work
    • Show the adding of questions and answers then showing them in database
    • Show the removing of questions and answers from database
    • Show the ability to edit questions and answers

Sprint 3 Planning


  1. Display all questions
    • Search by tag
  2. Tags for questions
    • Type of question, language, class code (eg CSCI3300)
  3. Questions
    • create date, update data, add tags
  4. Improve user interface using 8 golden rules
    • Add search and filter features
  5. Tests for all additional functionality
  6. Export questions
    • Format? (txt file)

Demo video

We will show that you can search, the question information in our database, and show exporting questions