
A Unix like shell!

Primary LanguageC

Unix Shell


Implemented a command line interpreter (CLI) or, as it is more commonly known, a shell. The shell operates in this basic way: when you type in a command (in response to its prompt), the shell creates a child process that executes the command you entered and then prompts for more user input when it has finished. The shells is similar to, but simpler than, the one we run every day in Unix.

Program Specifications

Basic Shell: wish

This shell is basically an interactive loop: it repeatedly prints a prompt wish> , parses the input, executes the command specified on that line of input, and waits for the command to finish. This is repeated until the user types exit.

The shell can be invoked with either no arguments or a single argument; anything else is an error. Here is the no-argument way:

prompt> ./wish

At this point, wish is running, and ready to accept commands. Type away!

The mode above is called interactive mode, and allows the user to type commands directly. The shell also supports a batch mode, which instead reads input from a batch file and executes commands from therein. Here is how you run the shell with a batch file named batch.txt:

prompt> ./wish batch.txt

One difference between batch and interactive modes: in interactive mode, a prompt is printed (wish> ). In batch mode, no prompt is printed.

The structure of shell is such that, it creates a process for each new command (the exception are built-in commands, discussed below). The shell is be able to parse a command and run the program corresponding to the command.
For example, if the user types ls -la /tmp, shell would run the program /bin/ls with the given arguments -la and /tmp.


Basic Shell

The shell is very simple (conceptually): it runs in a while loop, repeatedly asking for input to tell it what command to execute. It then executes that command. The loop continues indefinitely, until the user types the built-in command exit, at which point it exits. That's it!


User must specify a path variable to describe the set of directories to search for executables; the set of directories that comprise the path are sometimes called the search path of the shell. The path variable contains the list of all directories to search, in order, when the user types a command.

Initial shell path contains one directory: /bin'

Built-in Commands

Whenever your shell accepts a command, it should check whether the command is a built-in command or not. If it is, it should not be executed like other programs. Instead, your shell will invoke your implementation of the built-in command. For example, to implement the exit built-in command, you simply call exit(0); in your wish source code, which then will exit the shell.

In this project, you should implement exit, cd, and path as built-in commands.

  • exit: When the user types exit, your shell should simply call the exit system call with 0 as a parameter. It is an error to pass any arguments to exit.

  • cd: cd always take one argument (0 or >1 args should be signaled as an error). To change directories, use the chdir() system call with the argument supplied by the user; if chdir fails, that is also an error.

  • path: The path command takes 0 or more arguments, with each argument separated by whitespace from the others. A typical usage would be like this: wish> path /bin /usr/bin, which would add /bin and /usr/bin to the search path of the shell. If the user sets path to be empty, then the shell should not be able to run any programs (except built-in commands). The path command always overwrites the old path with the newly specified path.


Many times, a shell user prefers to send the output of a program to a file rather than to the screen. Usually, a shell provides this nice feature with the > character. Formally this is named as redirection of standard output.

If a user types ls -la /tmp > output, nothing would be printed on the screen. Instead, the standard output of the ls program would be rerouted to the file output. In addition, the standard error output of the program would also be rerouted to the file output.

If the output file exists before, shell would overwrite it (after truncating it).

The exact format of redirection is a command (and possibly some arguments) followed by the redirection symbol followed by a filename. Multiple redirection operators or multiple files to the right of the redirection sign are errors.


Currently error is handled by shell simply calling the exit system call with 1 as a parameter