
An integration between Tanium and Osquery

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An integration between Tanium and Osquery

This integration matches the speed and scale of Tanium, with the deep os visibility of Osquery to bring end users a powerful combination.

Key Features of This integration.

  1. Mass install of Osquery is as simple as running one Tanium package.
  2. Mass configuration and management of osqueryd is a few simple clicks.
  3. Running osqueryd is not necessary to leverage the power of this integration.
  4. Tanium's natural language parser on the Osquery tables works out of the box.
  5. Issuing native Osquery SQL statements works as well.

Top Benefits of This Integration

  1. Speed, scale and deep visibility.
  2. More than 50 new Tanium sensors dedicated to OSX endpoints.
  3. Continual and managed endpoint data collection with osqueryd.